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Review #4803204
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 Once Upon a Time... Open in new Window. [E]
Listen my children and you shall hear of the midnight ride of...
by J. M. Kraynak Author Icon
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Review by Tiggy Author IconMail Icon
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  Open in new Window.
Rated: E | (4.5)
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*CakeB* HAPPY WDC ACCOUNT ANNIVERSARY FROM "Anniversary ReviewsOpen in new Window.*CakeP*

*PenB* First Impressions:

It was the description that made me choose this tale, curious what story the children might hear, of the midnight ride of… It remained a bit of a mystery, but the tale was far from disappointing. I suppose we all dream of being more than we are when we are children. You wanted to be Superman or one of the other superheroes. I wanted to be a spy *Laugh* Both seem far more glamorous in the eyes of a child than they actually are, and like you so skilfully concluded here, there is something to be said for being the one who stays home. The one who holds it together while Superman is off fighting, the one his family can depend on to provide for them. It’s a different kind of superhero but no less important, and in many ways more important than some alien who has very little to fear. We have plenty to fear – not kryptonite but far more mundane things like losing our job or illness that would prevent us from doing that job. And then there are the actual, real-life heroes, the ones who fight so we don’t have to, so we can do those other things that are important.

*PenG* Suggestions:

The story was well written but there were a number of typos that were a bit distracting:

I rememer hearing

When we were all children we gathered around
I believe there should be a comma after ‘children’.

To run accross rooftops

shoot lazer beams
I think the correct spelling is ‘laser’.

Its funny how we forget
Its strange that having fun

You need ‘it’s’ with the apostrophe, short for ‘it is’.

I haven't went outside

the super heroes I dreamed about
I think ‘superheroes’ is usually one word.

in Africa, fimling the poor

they wear camoflauge

*PenP* Final Thoughts:

The looks like a long list but they are all just minor errors that are easy to fix. The story is quite old so you might not be interested in edits anyway, in which case, ignore me *Smile* The essence of the story still comes across very well, with the emphasis on being human and the benefits this brings. The part that struck me as particularly important was when you spoke about death which, while tragic, makes life more precious. I liked the way you expressed that thought, and the conclusion that followed was a fitting end to the story.

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