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Review #4802405
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First and Second Chance Poetry Contest Open in new Window. [E]
Submit both new and old pieces of your awarded or non-awarded poetry.
by 👼intuey Author Icon
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In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  Open in new Window.
Rated: E | (5.0)
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*CakeB* HAPPY WDC ACCOUNT ANNIVERSARY FROM "Anniversary ReviewsOpen in new Window.*CakeP*

Hello, Intuey!


*Bulletg* I enjoyed reading and visiting your "First and Second Chance Poetry Contest" every time I clicked on it, including today.

*Bulletg* Your writing kept me riveted and I read straight through to the end on my very first visit and again tonight.

*Bulletg* Congratulations to you on completing eight whole years of the Contest Challenge! "The Contest ChallengeOpen in new Window.


*Bulleto* Happy Writing.Com Anniversary month! I read this "First and Second Chance Poetry Contest" of yours sometime in the past and enjoyed it, and am pretty sure I even entered it, but I didn't have time to review it right then, so I flagged it for an anniversary review (meaning I saved the link to it in a special "February" file. *Smile* ). I hope you enjoy this review as a celebration of your time here and find the review uplifting and encouraging.

*Bulleto* You have created a wonderful poetry contest! It's rare to be able to enter not only older items, but also items that have won other contests. What a great opportunity for people to show off their best poetry writing.

*Bulletb* Your contest's page is well designed, has plenty of white space, and plenty of color so it is interesting and attractive to view and read.

*Bulletb* I was happy to note that you already have enough entries for this month to award all of your advertised levels of prizes. Congratulations on having a well-designed and popular contest!

*Bulleto* I thought your rules for entering your "First and Second Chance Poetry Contest" were clear and easy to understand.

*Bulleto* Your awards are generous and it's fabulous that you have an exclusive merit badge to offer for the first place winner of each month's round of your "First and Second Chance Poetry Contest."

*Bulleto* Your donations section is clear and easy to understand. I appreciated that you offered three different levels / options. It's nice that you have a list of previous donors as well.

*Bulleto* I appreciated that you included information on the previous month's entries and winners.

*Bulleto* I thought the contest, activity, and writing genres you selected for this poem were perfectly appropriate matches for it. I suspect that they are even truly the best three matches.

*Bulleto* I love the image that you used for your thumbnail picture and to head up the beginning of the contest's page. I think it's fabulous that this lovely image is also the star of the contest's exclusive merit badge. Excellent design ideas!

*Bulleto* Congratulations on the lovely red awardicon that graces your "First and Second Chance Poetry Contest" - it is indeed a great contest. *Bigsmile*


In the spirit of helpfulness, and because of the requirements of a new reviewing challenge I joined recently, I have two little suggestions to make your piece stronger. If you're interested in some constructive criticism, read on. But if you aren't, no worries. Just know that I enjoyed your piece and move on to the next section.

Still reading? You're brave! Yay for you! *Clap*

*Bulletb* I don't think "donators" is a word, but the dictionary isn't correcting it, so maybe it is. However, "donors" is the more commonly used term. So it's optional, but I did think it was spelled wrong (or some kind of joke?) when I first saw it, so I'd recommend changing it to "donors."

*Bulletb* In this sentence: "1st Place will only be given out if there are at least THREE entries." I think it's more old-school correct to spell out "first." Also, I don't think "place" needs to be capitalized. Nowadays, though, probably anything goes. *Smile* But if you want to have your grade-school English teacher be happy, you might consider changing the sentence to read like this:
"First place will only be given out if there are at least THREE entries."

As with any review, please take what serves you and release or ignore what doesn't.


*Bulletv* I enjoyed reading your "First and Second Chance Poetry Contest", and think you did a great job creating it and are doing a great job in hosting it.

*Bulletv* Thank you for sharing your time, creativity, heart, experiences, and writing with the Writing.Com community!

*Bulletv* Once again, happy anniversary month! I hope the year ahead is filled with blessings and joy for you!

May love, joy and peace be yours in abundance during your anniversary month, and always!


*Gemo*  *Ribbono*  *Gemo* A SuperPower Reviewers Choice review! *Ribbono*  *Gemo*  *Ribbono*

Super Neat Present from Super Power Reviewers Group. Thank you, Maryann and everyone!

Positive Hearts
*SuitHeart* A Review from: "Positive Hearts Reviews GroupOpen in new Window.*SuitHeart*

Hearts with Flowers - Group Only Image

The B.E.A.R. Fund
Reviewing signature for the B.E.A.R. Fund.
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