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Review #4798303
Viewing a review of:
  I’m in Charge of the Chickens Open in new Window. [E]
Responsibility is fun
by Elby Wordsmith Author Icon
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  Open in new Window.
Rated: E | (5.0)
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*CakeB* HAPPY WDC ACCOUNT ANNIVERSARY FROM "Anniversary ReviewsOpen in new Window.*CakeP*

Hello, Solace.Bring!


*Bulletg* I enjoyed reading your "I’m in Charge of the Chickens" poem tonight and thought it was really nice of you to help out your landlord neighbors with their fowl.

*Bulletg* Your writing kept me riveted and I read straight through to the end.


*Bulleto* Happy Writing.Com Anniversary month! I hope you enjoy this review as a celebration of your time here and find the review uplifting and encouraging.

*Bulleto* I found your poem in the "Anniversary Reviews" forum today, reviewed by someone else that I respect. I love the idea of farm life, so your title drew me in and I clicked and read your poem and enjoyed it greatly, so I decided to give you a review as a little anniversary gift. Happiest anniversary wishes to you and best wishes on your writing future too!

*Bulleto* Your poem felt fun, friendly, and lighthearted. It was a joy to read on this chilly evening. You literally made me smile. *Bigsmile*

*Bulleto* I thought your rhyming was great and added to the friendly, fun, and lively feel of your poem.

*Bulleto* My favorite line was the refrain: "Cause I’m in charge of the chickens" because it worked well as a refrain and lent a song-like quality to your poem.

*Bulleto* I didn't notice any spelling in your "A Note of Thanks" poem.

*Bulleto* I loved that you are friends with your landlords. It has to be great to have a nice relationship with them, especially as they are also your neighbors.

*Bulleto* I thought the comedy, friendship, and relationship genres you selected for this poem were appropriate matches for it.


In the spirit of helpfulness, and because of the requirements of a new reviewing challenge I joined recently, I have one little suggestion to make your piece stronger. If you're interested in some constructive criticism, read on. But if you aren't, no worries. Just know that I enjoyed your piece and move on to the next section.

Still reading? You're brave! Yay for you! *Clap*

*Bulletb* I think it would be good if you added a comma after "well" in this line:
"Well summer is vacation time."
I paused reading at that point, so it feels like it needs one. I imagined a farmer telling a story and she or he would pause there too, at least in my experience with farming friends. *Smile*

*Bulletb* If you like entering contests, I think this would be a good fit to consider entering in Lornda's funny poem contest (I forget the exact name of it... her user name is memories).

*Bulletb* The "other" genre isn't likely to net you more future readers, as I don't think anyone searches for that. I'd recommend choosing a different genre, and really three, as we are allowed three, and people do search by genre here. Perhaps "food," "cooking," "garden," "personal," or "experience might be nice options? There's a drop down list, as you know, because you had to use it to select other. I don't have it memorized; those are just some suggestions. The actual list will probably be more helpful.

*Bulleto* It's always nice for me as a reader to have the form and line count listed below the poem, perhaps in a "notes" section. I don't know how long it took me to start doing that, but once I did, readers responded favorably. So I'd recommend adding that information beneath your poem.

As with any review, please take what serves you and release or ignore what doesn't.


*Bulletv* I enjoyed reading your "I’m in Charge of the Chickens" poem, and it lightened and brightened my evening. Thank you for the entertainment and smile.

*Bulletv* Thank you for sharing your time, creativity, heart, experiences, and writing with the Writing.Com community!

*Bulletv* Once again, happy anniversary month! I hope the year ahead is filled with blessings and joy for you!

May love, joy and peace be yours in abundance during your anniversary month, and always!


*Gemo*  *Ribbono*  *Gemo* A SuperPower Reviewers Choice review! *Ribbono*  *Gemo*  *Ribbono*

Super Neat Present from Super Power Reviewers Group. Thank you, Maryann and everyone!

Positive Hearts
*SuitHeart* A Review from: "Positive Hearts Reviews GroupOpen in new Window.*SuitHeart*

Hearts with Flowers - Group Only Image

The B.E.A.R. Fund
Reviewing signature for the B.E.A.R. Fund.

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!Open in new Window..
   *CheckG* You responded to this review 02/05/2025 @ 1:41am EST
Printed from https://writing.com/main/my_feedback/action/view/id/4798303