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Review #4782030
Viewing a review of:
 Some Rules for Writing Comedy Open in new Window. [18+]
Rules for comedy that I learned as a Hollywood script writer
by Token-Jester Author Icon
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  Open in new Window.
Rated: 18+ | (5.0)
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*CakeB* HAPPY WDC ACCOUNT ANNIVERSARY FROM "Anniversary ReviewsOpen in new Window.*CakeP*

Hello, RiverD0g aka samuelorona!


*Bulletg* I enjoyed reading your rules for writing comedy and bookmarked it for future reference.

*Bulletg* Your writing kept me riveted and I read straight through to the end.


*Bulleto* Happy Writing.Com Anniversary day and month! I hope you enjoy this review as a celebration of your time here and find the review uplifting and encouraging.

*Bulleto* I thought it was super cool that you were "a writer for a comedy show in Hollywood in the early 1990s when [you were] 20 years old." I'm 99.9% sure that I would never have such a job. *Smile* Though I am going to try to write a novel with humorous elements next month for National Novel Writing Month. That's very different from writing for television and Hollywood. I then wondered what you're doing now and will aim to check out your bio after writing this review.

*Bulleto* I liked that you included basic hero / villain information as well as comedic information in your writing tutorial.

*Bulleto* I totally agreed with you about the lowest form of comedy. I grew up with someone who did that and thought he was hilarious but almost no one laughed and almost no one liked him.

*Bulleto* I totally didn't know rule three and would have assumed the opposite. I'll definitely be checking out your other writing tutorials.

*Bulleto* I didn't notice any spelling or grammatical mistakes (or mistakes of any kind) in your comedic writing tutorial.

*Bulleto* I thought the comedy, opinion and biographical genres you selected were perfectly appropriate for this comedic writing tutorialof yours.

I would love to have something great to share here, but I think it's wonderful as it is. Well done! *Clap*

As with any review, please take what serves you and release or ignore what doesn't.

*Bulletv* I enjoyed reading your comedic writing tutorial, and would love to read more about your experiences as a comedy writer.

*Bulletv* Thank you for sharing your time, creativity, learning, experiences, and writing with the Writing.Com community!

*Bulletv* Once again, happy anniversary day and month! I hope the year ahead is filled with many laughs, blessings and much joy for you!

May love, joy and peace be yours in abundance!

*Gemo*  *Ribbono*  *Gemo* A SuperPower Reviewers Choice review! *Ribbono*  *Gemo*  *Ribbono*

Super Neat Present from Super Power Reviewers Group. Thank you, Maryann and everyone!

Positive Hearts
*SuitHeart* A Review from: "Positive Hearts Reviews GroupOpen in new Window.*SuitHeart*

Hearts with Flowers - Group Only Image

*Awarenessp* October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month! *Awarenessp*

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!Open in new Window..
   *CheckG* You responded to this review 10/22/2024 @ 1:27pm EDT
Printed from https://writing.com/main/my_feedback/action/view/id/4782030