Stick a Needle in My Eye [18+] How much fun can one person have at the eye doctor's office? |
Hi winklett Nixie here. I found your work via the read and review option. With 62 reviews honoring this piece, I wondered if one more would be meaningful. After I finished reading this, the story spoke to me. So, if nothing else, you'll have to endure a few of my experiences. From beginning to end, your story played out in ever-increasing tension. It can be a challenge to present a character with double obstacles, but you pulled this off flawlessly. Having experienced the whole 'leave your kid in the play area' I know exactly what that feels like, and your thoughts mirrored mine. One, the MC (I didn't see a name) has to hand over her son to someone else, hoping there's nothing to set him off. Good thinking, not allowing him to see you leaving. Sometimes that works, other times I've felt bad. What if they suddenly freak out when they look around and see I'm gone. This was a precursor to the main event. Add both together and it all adds up to time slowing, waiting. Taking care of oneself while worrying about someone else. Not fun. My ex had a leaky eye once. Tears poured down his cheeks while he waited for an appointment. He survived the needle in your eye experience, while I was grossed out. The needle went in and out several times before my ex declared, "I can taste the dead sea in my mouth." Docs and their bedside manners matter. Every once in a while, I meet up with a doctor who is the same as your fictional one(?)—not reassuring in any way and acting bored. Your story stuck home and I liked reading it. The second paragraph was my favorite. Reviewing your work was Nixie "WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group" My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!" .