An Itinerant Mind [18+] Maybe meandering, possibly peripatetic and indisputably irregular. |
Greetings and Happy Account Anniversary! I hope you don’t mind a review on your mild blog ramblings. Memory is a fascinating subject to consider… I remember reading a book by the secular Bible scholar Bart Ehrman which focused on the fickleness of human memory and how we “rebuild” things that we can’t quite remember. It was in a way alarming, yet also reassuring, because I’ve had the experience of trying to compare memories with people and they insist on their own version of events even though I’m quite certain things didn’t happen that way. It’s good to know that we’re not purposely lying or inventing things if our memories don’t match. My own memory is reasonably reliable, though fickle and fussy. I try to forget stressful circumstances as quickly as possible by way of laying them to rest, which often leads to a situation where someone else is still dwelling on the injustice of it all and I can barely remember the specifics of the experience. I also have a terrible sense of time generally, so what I try to do is leave a paper trail of landmarks throughout my day to day life: pictures tagged with the location, songs I’ve heard at particular places, to-do lists, journals, and all manner of things create a web of interconnected memory tags that help me look back and say “ok, on this day we did this, and a year ago we were there, and that was the day I heard that song and we were over there, and that was what I was interested in last January…” if I didn’t do all that, I probably wouldn’t keep very good track of anything. As to a flattering self editing of memories, well, I have a tendency to assume I should apologize for everything about myself… but there’s no need to bore you with self psychoanalysis This was a good read that sets one to thinking. I hope I can stick around here long enough to rediscover items I don’t remember writing - that would be delightful Take care, thanks for sharing and keep writing My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!" .