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Review #4753661
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 Nothing Open in new Window. [E]
Contest entry for "Poetry Song Contest"
by TheLoneWriter Author Icon
Review of Nothing  Open in new Window.
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In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  Open in new Window.
Rated: E | (4.0)
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Hello, Lone Writer!

*Inlove2* This poem was written in a lovely way and I enjoyed this freeform. It seems to be about an individual who is having issues within their relationship; perhaps going through a breakup. It is filled with emotion and you did a great job portraying the feelings one may go through during a fight in a relationship.

I like how you used loose rhymes throughout this piece and didn't stick to a strict scheme. I find this type of poetry tends to flow better than strict forms. *Cool*

*Pencil* As far as grammatical errors, I do have a few suggestions (mostly pertaining to punctuation) but these are only my opinion. *Smile* I listed some lines from your poem below. *Down*

I, once thought that we would be

I gotta go, now. Leaving is bittersweet.

Now, I have nothing

But, if nothing is what I leave with

The longer I was with you, was more pain and misery

*Writer* In all of these lines, I would suggest removing the commas as they are unnecessary. I notice sometimes that writers will add commas for the purpose of adding a dramatic pause. If that was your intention, I would suggest replacing the commas with ellipses. You can also use a dash, which I love to use in my own poetry. A dash will not have the same exaggerated pause as an ellipses will, but it will still guide to reader to come to a slight stop which is often what poets intend for in the middle of a line.

You knew before I said it, what it was I had to say

I gotta go, now. Leaving is bittersweet.

The longer I was with you, was more pain and misery

You've always taken more than I could give. This isn't any way that I should live.

So, goodbye now, till the next time that we meet

*Writing* These lines above *Up* are quite lengthy when compared to the rest of the lines in the poem. I think the piece would read smoother if those parts were broken up into two separate lines.
Two of those lines also end with a period, while none of the other lines do. I would suggest either removing the periods altogether or adding punctuation at the end of all lines.

What you thought was your secret
Something I have always known

*Bookopen* With these *Up* two lines, I suggest adding "Was" in front of "something" so that the two lines create a sentence. As it is right now, they read as if they are two separate thoughts not relating to each other which I don't think is what you intended.

*Heartt* My favorite part of this was definitely the stanza where you ended each line with an exclamation point. To me, this visualized an argument and made the lines more powerful. I could picture an angry person screaming these words at their partner in the midst of a big argument.

*Starstruck* Aside from the few suggestions I made, I think this piece is wonderful and does flow quite nicely. Even within the lines that are too long (in my opinion), I can see where you were going with the rhythm.

Keep using these heartfelt emotions to create more work. I am impressed and will likely be back. *Bigsmile*

Thanks for sharing!

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   *CheckG* You last responded to this review 05/27/2024 @ 12:01pm EDT
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