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![]() ![]() This is a "Game of Thrones" ![]() Hello, Warped Sanity! ![]() This is an interesting collaborative piece with some great imagery. ![]() Both writers have maintained consistency in their respective sections, ensuring a continuity of rhyme and structure. It has an almost sing-song lyrical quality to it, with each stanza introducing a different phase in an evocative way. The pacing is good and there is no obvious demarcation from one author to the other. Overall, I think you worked well together. ![]() There's plenty of metaphors in here to keep a reader busy. From painful raw materials turning into beautiful expressive stories through the grave guarded by raven offers excellent symbolism and a vivid narrative. That being said, unlike some of your other pieces, I had more difficulty in picking the message. I believe the painting process is a metaphor for transformation, but I wasn't quite able to place the last stanza in context. I'm pretty sure the artist is metaphorically burying the past, and the stanza is well written, so this may be a reader error and not a problem with the writing. If I assume that to be true, then the movement of the artist from pain to release is well crafted. I love the references to Poe. ![]() I didn't find any problems with spelling or grammar, and I think the poem maintains its consistency throughout in both style and use of metaphor. The narrative moves at a steady pace, unfolding the story in a logical way. ![]() The poem is beautiful and a solid acheivement in collaboritive writing. The imagery and metaphors create an immersive experience that should leave a lasting impression on any reader fortunate enough to come across it. Thank you for sharing your work with us! Jayne ![]() ![]() My approach to reviews: "I'll Explain, but not Disclaim" ![]() The views and opinions in this review are mainly the things discovered by the reader and, therefore, do not necessarily reflect the group, activity, and/or event being affiliated herein. This is only the opinion and suggestions of the reviewer and it is still up to the author of this piece to consider this review as a corrective action or otherwise.