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Review #4745780
Viewing a review of:
The Coffee War  [ASR]
Coffee has been abolished, and the resistance is finally quieting down. Right?
by PiriPica
Review of The Coffee War  
Review by Jeremy
In affiliation with The Free Folk  
Rated: ASR | (4.5)
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Hello PiriPica

You are receiving this review of "The Coffee War in connection with "Game of Thrones.

*Gem* Areas of Strength

*Bullet* The story's premise of a world where coffee is banned is not only original but also serves as a clever vehicle for satirical commentary on government overreach and societal rebellion. This concept immediately engages the reader's interest and sets the stage for a thought-provoking narrative.

*Bullet* Anne is a well-rounded character with relatable qualities. Her internal conflict between her duty and her personal desires is depicted convincingly, adding depth to her character. For example, when she decides to treat herself to homemade spaghetti Bolognese, it shows her desire for normalcy amidst the chaos caused by the coffee ban.

*Bullet* The story employs humor effectively to lighten the tone and add a layer of entertainment. Anne's reaction to finding coffee coming out of her tap, as well as her deadpan response to the escalating protests on TV, adds a humorous touch to the narrative. This helps to balance the more serious themes of the story.

*Bullet* The story effectively builds tension and suspense, particularly in the climax when Anne discovers coffee in her kitchen sink and learns about the escalating protests. This creates a sense of urgency and keeps the reader engaged until the end.

*Bullet* The writing is clear and descriptive, allowing the reader to easily visualize the scenes. For example, the description of coffee pouring from the tap and the flickering fire display on TV create vivid images that enhance the reader's immersion in the story.

*Gem* Areas for Improvement

*Bullet* While Anne is well-developed, other characters, such as government officials or protestors, remain largely undeveloped. For example, the protestors are mentioned as causing chaos, but their motivations and backgrounds are not explored. To improve this, consider adding brief scenes or dialogues that provide insight into the secondary characters' motivations and backgrounds. This can help to create a more immersive and realistic world.

*Bullet* The middle section of the story, particularly when Anne is cooking dinner and watching TV, could benefit from tighter pacing. The description of her preparing dinner and watching TV, while providing insight into her character, slows down the narrative. To improve pacing, consider condensing these scenes or adding more tension and conflict to maintain the reader's interest.

*Bullet* The resolution of the conflict, with Anne discovering coffee in her kitchen sink and the escalating protests, feels somewhat abrupt. The story could benefit from a more gradual buildup to this climax, with more foreshadowing of the protests and the government's actions. This would create a more satisfying resolution and tie the narrative threads together more effectively.

*Bullet* At times, the dialogue can be a bit unclear or repetitive. For example, when Anne's father says, "You're supposed to be at practice right now. You have a game coming up, and you need to be prepared," the repetition of "right now" and "you need to be prepared" feels a bit redundant. To improve clarity, consider streamlining the dialogue to make it more concise and impactful.

*Bullet* While the story effectively uses satire to comment on government overreach and societal rebellion, there is potential to deepen these satirical elements. For example, you could explore the government's propaganda efforts to demonize coffee drinkers or the ways in which the ban affects different segments of society. This would add layers to the satire and enhance the story's social commentary.

*Gem* Overall Impression

Overall, the story presents a compelling and imaginative premise, using satire to comment on government policies and societal reactions. The strengths of the story lie in its creative concept, engaging protagonist, and the use of humor to explore serious themes. Anne's character is well-developed, and her internal conflict between her passion for coffee and her duty to the government is relatable.

There are areas that could be improved to enhance the story further. These include developing the secondary characters, particularly the protestors, to add depth and complexity to the narrative. Additionally, the pacing in the middle section could be tightened to maintain momentum and keep the reader engaged. The resolution of the conflict could also be more gradual and well-foreshadowed to create a more satisfying conclusion.

Despite these areas for improvement, the story shows promise and has the potential to be a thought-provoking and entertaining read. With some revision and refinement, it could become even more compelling. Keep exploring new ideas and refining your storytelling skills. Your creativity and imagination are evident in this story, and with continued practice, you can further develop your unique voice as a writer.

Write on! *Pencil*

*Snow2*          *Swords*          *Snow4*          *Swords*          *Snow2*

Let your imagination run wild.

Set your creativity free.

We are the Free Folk.

And we do not kneel.

The Free Folk image for G.o.T.

DISCLAIMER: The views and opinions expressed within this review are the sole product of the reviewer. They do not necessarily reflect those of the group, activity and/or event in which they are affiliated. Any implementation of suggested edits is at the sole discretion of the piece's writer; they may be used when and where deemed necessary by the writer of the piece and/or disregarded in their entirety. The reviewer releases any and all rights and/or claims to those suggestive edits should they be utilized by the writer of the piece.

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
   *CheckG* You responded to this review 05/21/2024 @ 2:51pm EDT
Printed from https://writing.com/main/my_feedback/action/view/id/4745780