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Review #4744940
Viewing a review of:
 The Darkest Sky Open in new Window. [ASR]
A haibun about humanity's darkest hour. Writer's Cramp entry.
by Jeff Author Icon
Review of The Darkest Sky  Open in new Window.
Review by Kit Author IconMail Icon
In affiliation with Kit's Contest and Awards G...  Open in new Window.
Rated: ASR | (5.0)
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Hi Jeff Author Icon,

This review is a part of "Game of ThronesOpen in new Window. [13+]. *Smile*

Overall Impression:

Well, there was some debate about whether or not it's possible to spend 1500+ characters on a Haiku. I haven't attempted that yet, but I am going to review this Haibun and see what happens!

First of all, thank you for teaching me about the Haibun. I hadn't heard of it before, and it's an interesting combination of poetry and prose. I am, of course, not an instant expert, but I feel that the two elements of this piece interact well. The prose part provides a good introduction to the poem, and the poem provides an answer about the future.

The chosen subject is interesting, too. I have always thought that we're not alone in the universe. There are billions upon billions of stars out there, with their own planets, and so surely if life is possible here, it is possible elsewhere, too. How far apart we are and if we could ever meet is a different matter. And it is true that if we were to meet it may not be to our benefit. This piece expresses that very well.

All in all, I am glad that I found this item. You did an excellent job, and I learned something new!


I have no suggestions, dear Jeff. I spotted no spelling errors, no grammar issues... everything's how it should be. Again, well done!

My Rating:

This is quite a unique piece. I enjoyed it.

I had no suggestions. It's a 5 out of 5 from me!

Turns out I can babble on quite happily about a Haiku. Well, sort of. *Bigsmile*

Thank you for sharing your work.

Write on!


House Lannister image for G.o.T.

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*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!Open in new Window..
   *CheckG* You responded to this review 04/14/2024 @ 11:51pm EDT
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