Divine Intelligence: God Outside the Box [E] A new look at God |
Hello D.L. Robinson Congratulations on your Writing.com account anniversary this month! I'm sending this review in honor of the occasion, courtesy of the "Anniversary Reviews" activity. Positives The ideas you presented in this piece are really intriguing, and I appreciate the bibliography at the bottom of the essay for those who are interested in learning more. I'm not familiar with either of the references you included (even the concept of Divine Intelligence as it's presented here is somewhat new to me), but you did a good job of giving the reader a clear foundation for the premise. Suggestions It was a little unclear what your take on Christianity is (as it relates to Divine Intelligence). At certain points in the essay, you seem to say or imply that the Christian faith "gets it wrong" about certain precepts or beliefs. But then other points in the essay seem to reinforce Biblical doctrine (including places where you mention that Divine Intelligence actually makes sense out of certain things in the Bible). By the end of the piece, it was difficult to tell where you felt Christian doctrine falls in relation to Divine Intelligence. I think it would also be worth exploring Divine Intelligence as it relates to other world religions as well. Which is not to say that this needs to be an exhaustive dissertation on all the world religions, but this concept of Divine Intelligence is essentially a different take on the concept of a higher power, which is recognized in many world religions. If, instead of just Christianity, you were to juxtapose Divine Intelligence against the basic tenets of Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, and Buddhism, roughly 75% of the world's population would be covered by this essay rather than the only 30% or so who are familiar with Christianity. Overall Overall, other than those minor suggestions, I think this is a good essay that effectively details and interesting set of philosophical beliefs. Nice work! I hope you've found this review helpful. If so, please consider paying it forward by reviewing the work of another WDC author! Respectfully, Jeff "Rating & Reviewing Philosophy" My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!" .