The Trial
Review of "The Trial"
Short Story Details
How could they simply appear
Rated: 13+ · Short Story · Action/Adventure · #2311949
The ems squad is trying to figure out what had happened to the courthouse and the rail/
Intro Rated: E
Size: 11.89 KB
Created: January 12th, 2024 at 4:23pm
Modified: January 13th, 2024 at 6:13am
Genres: Action/Adventure, Detective, Sci-fi

Rail Cars
There appears to be a connection between the attack on the Trial and the disappearance of the Rail Cars.
The rail cars are difficult to visualize. Due to lack of description, I am visualizing subway train cars or railroad train cars.
However, due to the level of technology discussed by the characters, there is a possibility that these rail cars are very different from what I may be familiar with.
As the suspense builds up to where the rail cars light up, I could not visualize the manner in which the cars lit up. Since the rail cars tend to travel forwards and backwards on rails, would that mean that the lights are from headlights and tail lights? Or are these the passenger and cargo interiors that are lighting up? Or are the lights emanating from another part of the rail cars such as from the roof tops or reflected off of another surface?
The troops were trying to hide from the light and without knowing the light source, I suspect that they were enveloped by or illuminated by a great deal of light, otherwise they would not have left the area, but simply would have hidden between the cars or below or within the shadows. However, it appeared that the rail car area was lighting up to be so well lit that there were no dark areas for the troops to take cover.
As a reader, the true level of light and the direction of the light was difficult to gauge. Also, were the troops affected by the sudden appearance of light since they were using their helmets to enhance their night vision? Based on the last scene, they "raced".

Sentence Structure
There was a
chard black fine powder
then finer than icing sugar.
There was a
charred black fine
powder that was finer than sugar icing.
“These people don’t care if they come back. That is why they go there?"
Warrent Officer Feilis sadi he had a machine for an
eye said as he reached for his cup of coffee.
“These people don’t care if they come back. That is why they go there?"
Warrant Officer Feilis said. "He had a machine for an
eye," said as he reached for his cup of coffee.
... ... like something
ahd resently been used on ... ...
... ... like something
had recently been used on ... ...

... ... only better than theirs.
Wow, I can sense hearts sink at the thought that the enemy's armor was better than department issued armor.
That is a scary thought. Appearance wise the armor looked like their own, but offensive wise, their enemies had better protection, which in turn also implied by association that their enemies had better weapons as well.

Favorite Scenes
My two favorite moments were with the lady scientist when she examined the evidence under the microscope and determined that the suit protected the inhabitant, and with the Lieutenant when the Lieutenant theorized two possibilities, that the attackers may have employed invisibility or teleportation technology to appear and disappear.

Overall Impression
Based on the evidence at hand, these people have come up with two possibilities: invisibility or teleportation.
The cast of characters appeared to be Military, had Military training with Military Titles. However, they were also very technologically versed.
Unlike the previous installment where the troops appeared flabbergasted by mysterious appearance and disappearance of enemy troops, in this installment, the characters continued to address the mystery and appeared capable of applying an appropriate technological framework to explain away the strange comings and goings of enemy troops.
Furthermore, it appeared that the scientists were making headway in deciphering the molecular make up of the evidence at hand. They were beginning to see patterns and clues. They were still mystified as to the identities and motivations of their attackers, which led them to re investigate the disappearance of the rail cars.