It's Your Move [E] It's all about choice ... (Form: Tricube) |
Hallo! I came to your portfolio looking for something to review. The title and cover pic intrigued me, so I clicked on this one. The layout works well and the note about the form at the end is helpful. Maybe add a couple of genres ... ? I love the poem. In a few well chosen words, you've described the game of life! My favourite is the phrase 'chessboard of choices'. I also relate to the verse about Kings and Queens - people seeking power. My only question is for the last verse. I agree that something gets traded for short term gain, but is that a 'strategy'? People use strategy for short term gain, but what they lose is something bigger -- maybe peace of mind, or love, or long-term enrichment in some way. Also, I know the form restricts the number of lines, but somehow I feel if it had been longer it would have gone deeper. Maybe do another nine lines? (I've seen limericks of 15 lines - three verses of five lines each following the limerick form). Thank you for sharing this one! Write On!
My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!" .