Title:- The Dance of Time [E] Time's ephemeral dance, Cherish every moment. |
Disclaimer: I may suggest changes in my review. This is not meant as 'serious' literary criticism (I’m no expert). It's merely my record of the ‘bumps’ I encounter as I travel through your words. If I'm thrown by a typo, an awkward word, or a line that doesn't scan, then it's likely that others will be as well. My intent in giving a review is to applaud your work and maybe help you to improve it. A review is merely another reference to consider. If the suggestions prove useful, then use them. If I ‘just don’t get it’, then by all means ignore me! I found this poem on Read & Review and enjoyed it a lot. I like traditional poetry with rhyme and meter. This a good example. The thoughts expressed are inspirational and well presented. i especially liked: In every breath, in every beat, Time's rhythm echoes, soft and sweet. The only line that doesn't scan for me is: May we look back with heart undone This line doesn't seem to match the general tone of the poem. I would suggest a word that means fulfilled or at peace rather than undone. Overall, ths is a good poem. Keep writing! Words Whirling 'Round A poet merely pens a mirror, the reader brings the reflection. My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!" .