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Review #4693223
Viewing a review of:
 Swingers Open in new Window. [E]
story for April 2023 Personify writing contest. 309 words
by Bunny Sox Author Icon
Review of Swingers  Open in new Window.
Review by Sum1's In D... Author IconMail Icon
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  Open in new Window.
Rated: E | (4.5)
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Hey Sox,
         I love stories about inanimate objects. Well, yours isn't exactly inanimate, still...

         This is pretty good if you ask me. Just my feelings here, but I'd love to have seen this be a little longer. Yeah I know, I didn't write it, you did. But that's my opinion, worth absolutely nothing. I wrote something similar to this a long while ago, "What I SawOpen in new Window., I chose to keep the identity of the object a secret until close to the end.

         I think it would have been very difficult to hide the identity of this object throughout your short story. At first glance, I thought this was you talking, and I wondered why you live in a park? Then it hit me, and I smiled. Well done! I have no suggestions to offer. The wording is good, the storyline carries it well.

         Your ending was good and unexpected. I think back to my past, the playgrounds I frequented as a child, and long for days like that. In my eyes, 'progress' isn't really progress. Safety? Nah, just go play, and be careful in what you do. You can't go through this life sheltered from all forms of harm or danger. If you do, there are so many things you miss out on. Thank you for bringing back memories.


*Boat*  WDC POWER RAIDER  *Boat*

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