I'll Have a Cow,Please! [E] poem about horses and cows |
So you need to get the no-bull prize, I guess! (Sorry, couldn't resist that pun.) Well, this one showed as a new static item on my screen and the title intrigued me, so I clicked. The title and brief description work. The verse structure and words chosen convey your message strongly enough! We get it, horse, no, neigh. Cow - yes! Thank you for the chuckle. And yes, I agree, if you aren't going to ride it, then a horse is much less use than a cow. I enjoyed all your 'arguments' in favour of cows and against horses. And I also noted that you're a novice when it comes to farm animals, which raised a SUGGESTIONS: 1. Suggest you add more genres, like 'comedy'. 2. Suggest WritingML, like font, size and center. Maybe some emoticons like or if you like. 3. This is a personal response from me, as a reader. I'm vegetarian, so the reference to 'beef' didn't resonate with me. While the poem works as it is, I'd have responded to a line like 'Unless you're vegetarian' after the reference to beef. It also fits in with the tone of the poem. 4. You've selected the cow over the horse, which is an unusual choice by itself. I'd actually like to have seen what you did with other animals in comparison to the cow. How about a cat / dog / pig / ostrich ... the poem has endless possibilities for hilarious comparisons. 5. I like the use of the word 'bovine'. How about using 'equine' somewhere, too, and if you bring in the piggies, then 'swine' rhymes! (All these rhyme with 'mine'!) Moo On! Welcome to WDC from "Newbie Welcome Wagon" and "WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group" My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!" .