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*Notes: I liked this. It was an easy read and I could picture what was happening at every point. If something like this ever happens, and humanity makes it through to the other side, I know there would be someone somewhere, who would just be able to follow humanity's norm of taking in the information, accepting it, dealing with it, and continuing on. I have included a line-by-line review below. Red - changes needed Blue - suggested changes and comments ***... There was absolutely no denying that beings from somewhere else, be it a planet, dimension (comma) or time, (no comma) were here and they outnumbered us. ***... The Internet allowed me to dive deep into the rabbit hole of what at the time was considered canonical pseudoscience and of which now, I can tell you, is not all pure science fiction, swamp gas (comma) or birds flying in formation. Obviously, I can look back now and see that YouTube videos were hardly a proper investigation and admit that while there were many grains of truth online, it was mostly for entertainment. ***The real mind-blowing stuff was what I learnt learned from my parents who were working in a top-secret underground military facility known as DIME or Defense Intelligence Military Experiment, a programme created for the retrieval and reverse engineering of foreign technology which I suppose would explain my fascination with all things extraterrestrial, although I wouldn’t find this and so much more, out until later…. ***.... There was a tremor in her voice that I had never heard before, not to mention the fact that it was 3 am and phone calls at that time were never good.(space needed) I first thought something had happened to dad. How wrong I was. *** Do you understand?”... (new paragraph) “I understand.” (new paragraph) “There’s not much time, so listen carefully. In your father’s office, underneath the top right-side drawer of his desk, is a digital combination lock. Enter the code 9381 and take the book from the top shelf, third from the left, and make your way to us through the door that is opened. Are we clear?” ***‘Do you copy?’, that was how I knew it was serious. She rarely went into military mode around me, and to be honest, I couldn’t even remember the last time. It may have been the day that Keith Richards died. (space needed) Instantly awake, I grabbed the pen and paper I kept by my bedside and wrote down what my mother had told me. … I just didn’t believe in war and the concept of spending money that could be better spent elsewhere, on weapons (comma) and, (no comma) considering how easily everything went wrong, I feel justified in those beliefs. … ***I was ready. I found the combination lock, entered the code (comma) and stood in front of the library of knowledge and fantasy that was my father’s bookshelf. ***Besides the creepy ghost train eerily illuminating the station, the place was lifeless and seemed to have been for some time. There were no other lights (period) and (caps on -O) other than the hollow echoes of my own footsteps, the sound was only silence…. ***“A strong handshake is a trusted handshake,” he would always say. I found that to not always be the case, but nobody ever out shook my dad. (I heard this all my life. Being a woman, some told me this didn’t mean females, but I get the creeps when other women barely hold the tips of my fingers or give a weak handshake. My mind says there is something wrong with them or the situation.) ***Some of what I heard I had previous knowledge of, things I had read in school or come across while net surfing (comma) and some of it was some crazy Independence Day meets Mars Attacks type s***. I would have had a hard time believing all of it if not for the people telling the story. Basically, beings in spaceships from other worlds were headed back this way with major reinforcements, retaliation for previously downed crafts, because negotiations with said beings had failed. …