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The Last Date ![]() Chane encounter brings two lost souls on a trip to enlightenment and death, ![]() |
***I have no idea what the Capital A’s with the carrot on them mean, so I haven’t marked anything about them. I was about to ask here why you needed an interpreter but then reached the last sentence. Good final jolt. I had no problem following the story. You were able to let me know about the characters without the overuse of words or descriptions. Well done. I normally stay far away from reading tragedy, but because of a contest I’m in I have to read from this genre. This story was a good way to get through the requirement. Below I have added a line-by-line review. Red is for changes that need to be made. Blue is for suggested changes. *** She did not look down at her bundle; her eyes stared unfocused as she walked. What struck me as the most-odd (not hyphenated) was that although it was mid-January, she only had on a light pink nightdress, faded from continued use, which reached just below her bare knees. She only wore a single slipper on her left foot and a sock like (hyphenated) bootie on her right foot, encrusted with snow and ice; the slipper's mate had apparently been lost somewhere during her journey. *** Her hands, wrinkled with age and dotted with liver spots, felt (I can see why you can tell her legs are cold because of the tinge of her skin, but how do you know her hands are warmer? You don’t mention touching them.) a little warmer from holding the quilt, but not much. ***…I looked at her with concern and smiled, (period not a comma, caps on -S) she smiled back. Her smile lacked strength, (no comma) but was genuine. ***Her hands came to rest on a man's name sewn with golden yellow thread on to (one word) a black cotton background. ***The traffic was light; however, driving was slow due to the snow on the roads. I caught more glimpse(-s) of the quilt and he the expressions. ***The second time, I paid more attention and made sure the cup landed correctly and the in line for the dispenser. ***I am uncertain how long I sat there, but Stephanie came with the interpreter and we went back to her desk and I began giving whatever information I could to Stephanie. ***I never discovered her last name that night. From Sophia's quilt, I learned her husband's name, (no comma) and the names of her children on the ride to the hospital. ![]() ![]()