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![]() | Ultimate Trinket Adventure [Mainland] ![]() Collect treasures, complete tasks, and win the golden Apple.. ![]() |
![]() ![]() "The Open Scroll [Entrance Task]" ![]() ![]() Well, actually, I am doing "Entrance Task #2..." ![]() ![]() Linkable Locations I like the linkable locations you have placed at the top of this item. These links make it so much easier to navigate the forum and get to the spot you need at the moment. I think the words "Jump To" above the linkable location links help all of us know to click on them. Dropnotes Directly under the links to the linkable locations, you have a dropnote that says: "Links for Management Use". I think there might be an error here because under that dropnote, I see three links which I assume are for management. Then I see the words: "For Adventurers" followed by a list of links that I believe are intended for our use once we have the necessary keys. Was "For Adventurers" intended to be a second dropnote? You have also hidden trinkets under dropnotes. I like this idea because it helps the page be less cluttered. You might want to adjust your spacing in the section as sometimes you have put a blank line between the dropnotes and sometimes you have not. Split Banners When you create a banner using two images, on smaller screens like my notebook and my android, they will not display as a banner but will show one half on one line and the other half on the next line. Whenever I create things, I do my best to try and make it look good on all screens by checking on the different devices I have available. Can you imagine StoryMaster checking everything on the site so that it displays correctly? It must be a monumental task. A Limiting Rule The rule that all writing and composition must be in a static item is challenging for me. I prefer to post things for activities or contest as an entry in a book item and reserve static items for my own writing (i.e. the things that I want to promote over time). I do need to clean up my port and eliminate some things that do not fall into this category but using book entries for contests/activities that are outside of my primary focus is my preference. I have created a folder for this activity and its associated items: As of now, only my fellow adventurers can see that folder... Too Busy This is my only criticism of this page. It is too busy for me. I was overwhelmed by it on the day I signed up. I alluded to this in my post: " ![]() ![]() ![]() Today, as I peruse the page to write this review, I find myself exhausted just trying to get through it. That is never good. Let me look at it one more time to see if I have some suggestions... I think that most of the stuff included from "The Gallery Chamber line divider" on would be better placed elsewhere. For example, the trinkets and the map could be a separate item with a link on this page. It appears you have created a webpage to list the High-Ranking Fairies. I think a link to that page would suffice here rather than listing that information on this page. Why do I say this? Well, I am sure that there are probably folks who are not participating because, like me, they found this page to be overwhelming. You drew me in with the promise of trinkets but the page still is too busy for me... Something That Intrigues Me The pretty pictures at the bottom of the page are something I really like. They are pretty and clicking the photos will open to a link to another realm. I think that is very clever! I don't think I have ever included a link in the description portion of a photo item but it is something I find myself wanting to imitate now! Great idea!