Greetings, , I am reviewing this today as one of two judges for the "Writing 4 Kids-CLOSED till Spring" . Please do not edit your limerick until after the winners are announced! Thank you! First of all, my reviews are intended to be helpful and encouraging, not hurtful in any way. Use what you feel works for you, and leave the rest. Easy to understand Followed the prompt & rules First Impression Clearly written, simple, fun! Meter: You followed the required syllable count perfectly! Good job. As far as the stressed syllables, you did really well, too. Rhyme: Great work on the rhymes, also. Flow: Good flow. Technicalities: You might want to add some punctuation (after the winners are announced.) Children tend to depend on punctuation while they read, following the rules taught to them in school (like a period to stop, a comma to pause, etc.) Favorites: I think your title is hilarious! Oink Oink. Final thoughts: I felt you did a a great job. Best of luck in the contest. Have a great day and... K e e p on W r i t i n g ! Cubby ")