A Review
My reviews are intended to be helpful and encouraging, not hurtful in any way. Use what you feel works for you, and leave the rest.
First Impression Well-written! Very impressive writing, Nixie. I especially liked the countdown from when the alarm would go off that Claire's father mentioned each time he spoke to her. There was a lot I was unsure of, but I figured they would be explained in future chapters since everything can't be exposed in the first.
I'm still curious about where the prompt fits in. You mention Claire is a mutation on her mother's ancestors' side. Mermaids? Or something similar?
Thoughts/Suggestions (silly little typos)
"Fourteen minutes." he said. --> "Fourteen minutes," he said.
"You and the others surpass cruelty." I said --> "You and the others surpass cruelty," I said
"You're the freak. I shouted. --> "You're the freak!" I shouted.
Frostbite will paralyze my bare feet. Maybe I can find rags in the bin. --> Frostbite would paralyze my bare feet. Maybe I could find rags in the bin.
The hounds bays and the pursuers shouts faded. --> The hounds' bays and the pursuers' shouts faded.
I plucked at the fabric. My eyes moistened, unraveling my determination to mimic his uncaring attitude. I loved this visual!
Be sure not to edit till winners are announced. Thank you for your entry!
Have a great day and...
K e e p on W r i t i n g !
Cubby ")
You responded to this review 03/07/2022 @ 9:26am EST |