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by A Guest Visitor
Review by Past Member 'dennis23468'
Rated: E | (5.0)
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Alright, so poetry isn't a strength of mine, but here's my takeaway.

at my brief touch of salutation <-- A quick suggestion replace "salutation" with "admiration/affection" or another alternative.

Timidly, she glances up through her lashes <-- A good line, but here's a thought "She gives a timid glance" instead, or "A timid/gentle/fearful/bashful glance comes through her lashes" now any alternatives should be chosen based on the specifics of what you want to portray about that moment, and how you want readers perception to be affected. These are just thoughts I had while reading.

her cheeks flush at my regard
but she does not look away <-- Awesome

It is bliss <-- Given the lines following this one, I'd suggest "It is blissful/dreamy/enchanted/euphoric/heavenly"

hints of love unspoken <-- My favorite line of this piece, perhaps consider using this as the title, or adding it as a line on its own before going on.

So my takeaway: It's a wonderful piece here, thank you for sharing with us!
All my suggestions are just that, feel free to use/discard any/all of it as you want.
   *CheckG* You responded to this review 02/17/2022 @ 7:17pm EST
Printed from https://writing.com/main/my_feedback/action/view/id/4647986