Greetings, Solace.Bring, I am reviewing this today as a judge for the "Writing 4 Kids-CLOSED till Spring" . Your entry is one of fourteen in the January round. Thank you for entering! First of all, my reviews are intended to be helpful and encouraging, not hurtful in any way. Use what you feel works for you, and leave the rest. Visually appealing Easy to understand Followed the prompt & rules First Impression: Lots of fun visual here! A colorful, fun poem about a family of ten with shoes everywhere. Technicalities: No typos. Punctuation looks great! Favorites: My brothers think all of our shoes are just here for those boys to use to stack up like a fort and to toss like a sport and to float in the tub like canoes.. I loved this stanza!!! Final Thoughts: The rhyming was great and I loved the imagery. The flow, on the most part, was good, too. An illustrator would have a lot of fun with this piece! Best of luck in the contest! Have a great day and... K e e p on W r i t i n g ! Cubby ")