Invalid Item [] |
Welcome to WdC from the "Newbie Welcome Wagon" Dear Blake River – Welcome to I am glad you are a part of this amazing writing community now. I enjoyed reading "Invalid Item" and I am glad to offer a few of the thoughts I had while reading your poem. FIRST IMPRESSION I have never experienced a reflection quite like this one. The exposition is absolutely clear and forceful and brightly opens a thought I positively, absolutely should have had myself. But…not! From the science of speech to a firm clear discussion of “power”, this poem’s range astounds my senses. THEME Say a name. Any name, well at least in the presence of that person, what happens? Amazing isn’t it? A simple act and the ramifications are suddenly huge. Reminds me of the ages gone by when one dared not invoke the name of their god for fear that power would be unleashed to their demise. Woah! STRUCTURE The poem is written in free form narrative (reasoning) style that moves along at a lightning quick pace. MY FAVORITE MOMENT The poem builds with superb tension and narrative thought and this was my favorite moment: A sound with a power I gave to you, so You can use it, Abuse it, Whatever you want, Just call me, I'll look, Whether I want to or not. I have never thought seriously about what it means to give another the keys to my life. I used to wait tables for a living. I would let the customer know my name. Some invoked it. My whole economic structure was based on how I responded to them when they called my name. I never once thought about the power I was giving them. I will never look at that interaction in the same way again. Thanks? SUGGESTIONS I liked and enjoyed everything about the way you crafted your poem. Well done. IN SUMMARY "Invalid Item" makes us think about the power unleashed when one uses our name. What power we have if we call another by their name. Maybe that is why some people respond in ire and anger when I say their name…they don’t want me to have the power! I’ll try not to abuse it. Thanks for sharing your gift. Write On! I hope my thoughts and impressions have been a help. Let me know if you have any questions about my review. Kind Regards, ♫~ Kenword~♫
(101@100513)_(101x2@030614)_(100x6@031820)_____ (YCM_@122313)(04.21.20) My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!" .