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** Images For Use By Upgraded+ Only ** Hello runoffscribe ![]() Thank you for sharing your essay with me, I thoroughly enjoyed reading your words! Keep in mind; I am not a professional, my suggestions are just that, suggestions. Do what you feel is right for your writing! Any advice given is with love and a desire to help you become the best writer you can be. GRAMMAR & SPELLING: I didn't notice any glaring grammatical errors or spelling mistakes, but I wasn't nitpicking for grammar really due to the style and unfinished nature. But I didn't see anything spelled incorrectly. WORD CHOICE: You had an excellent word choice, avoiding boring, dull language. You kept me interested in your writing, and I was attentive until the very end. You didn't stick to using simplistic, overused words. You definitely have used a thesaurus in your lifetime and it shows. APPEARANCE: Well, it was a little messy in terms of the layout I suppose, but I don't at all hold that against you considering it's not even a finished piece. For instance, just one thing that stuck out to me, and I don't know if this was intentional for personal style or not -- the beginning has a ton of indenting, but the "paragraphs" are only a sentence or a line long/ Then you intent again immediately after. There's nothing WRONG with that, and this is really just my style preference kicking in but it seems distracting almost? POSITIVES: What I liked most: I loved the beginning section up before your 'notice'. That part is my favorite section. I admire your writing style and the metaphors you used so fluidly. My Favorite Part: "Count quotation marks and don't rest on an odd number." and "Interrogate your punctuation, rigorously." -- Those were my two favorite sentences. I absolutely loved them. I think they were clever and display your writing skills even in an unfinished piece. CONSTRUCTIVE CRITICISM: What I liked least: Now, this is less of a criticism and more of a misunderstanding. I didn't really get anything in the second section about the ONStlye. While I can appreciate your writing, I didn't fully understand what I was reading to be able to appreciate it and properly evaluate it. That's not exactly your fault though, so this isn't so much a criticism as a statement. My Suggestions: Keep writing! Finish this piece, you're doing great! EMOTIONS: It made me feel: Actually, I was going through a bit of a struggle with my writing and somehow this gave me some encouragement. It reminded me of: my life and struggles I have as a writer. CREATIVITY: It was extremely creative. HELD MY ATTENTION?: You held my attention from the first sentence until the very end. ** Images For Use By Upgraded+ Only ** ** Images For Use By Upgraded+ Only **
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