My friend hurts [E] sending love to a friend |
Welcome to WDC IamGaia from "Newbie Welcome Wagon" and "WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group" ! I am happy to review your item. Wow! This poem has a strong heart felt vibe of caring and trying to understand and support a friend in need. I like the idea that Love is the answer and the reference to the green ray. The free verse style suits the emotional content and I did enjoy the few rhyming lines near the end. Asking questions as well as giving the objective support like lesson to learn even if we don't understand, is effective along with the loving compassion. A few little glitches: I think you need a comma after "green ray". "your" needs to be "you're" to mean "you are". "mans" should be "man's" to show possessive form. I wondered at the end why you changed to OUR green ray" instead of"my" from line 2. I think it is good to stay with the same person. I think this poem would inspire and uplift one in need. Thank yo so much for sharing your gift and vision at WDC! I hope you find a home here. All the best in 2020 as you write on! eyestar
My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!" .