HAPPY WDC ACCOUNT ANNIVERSARY FROM "Anniversary Reviews" Bon jour, Ken, and happy early 9th 'birthday' on here! First off, I want to apologize for never having read or reviewed this. It’s my own contest and I try to read the winners as much as possible, but apparently this one fell through the cracks. Sorry. I really enjoyed this little tale. The idea of Vlad the Impaler still being around and giving guided tours through his old castle was a great idea of yours. Almost as good as Vlad’s idea of doing it so he could reap the bloody rewards of an unsuspecting tourist that won’t be missed! Great use of the prompt phrase, and that ending, even humorous, was a cool way to end this! Sorry to be so picky, but I spot a couple of tiny niggles (I think): "...also known a(s) 'Vlad the Impaler' or 'The Son of the Dragon'" 'which translates from Draculea in Romanian!" (misspelled? Dracula?) Otherwise, great job, and congratulations on the victory! PS-Even though I write a lot of horror, I have yet to write a story about a Zombie or a vampire. Zombies are so cliché these days, and vamps have been written about more times than I want to know. But after reading this, it's inspired me to try to write a vamp story! Thank you! Kee ponw ritin gon, my fiend friend! Have a really groovy day, and...