Review brought to you by: "Game of Thrones" by Gaby OVERALL IMPRESSION - I liked the set up of the page. You used nice colors that helped to draw me into the page, and everything of importance was bolded, colored, or bigger than the rest of the information on the page. WHAT I LIKED BEST - The page layout was very appealing. The green and light blue really were easy on the eyes and highlighted each new detail of the course information. CLEAR OUTLINE~ This is a class for New Horizon's Academy. You gave me all the information I would need to decide if I would like to take this course. You also speak about NaNoWriMo and suggest keys to make hitting the fifty thousand mark not seem so difficult a task. The link to the main page for the Academy was easy to find. I know when registration begins and when the next session starts as well. You highlighted the member to contact in case additional information is needed. The logo itself is creative and a draw. There is also a link that directions interested parties to the course catalog, that outlines what is entailed with every course offered. You definitely have a lot to offer anyone looking to enhance their writing in a multitude of ways.