Happy Earth Day Neva!

Wow! I like the original title and its use in your acrostic poem. The tag line has a interesting fact too. How cool. I agree it will take many more acts of green to restore and protect the planet and it is good to know it is happening.

Your acrostic was well composed and a pleasure to read with it tightly woven lines and details on the subject. I like where you even had rhyming bits--that is hard to have a scheme when verses are based on different length lines. That the short verse had no rhyme adds to its difference. I like the variety.

You share some well known facts about how we are not being good stewards in the first verses followed by a plea that we must do better for our future. The voice was authentic and inspiring in its rationale. The idea of "hallucination" in line 3 is brilliant.
I noticed a couple of glitches:
In verse 3: "pollutions reduction" needs to be "pollution's" to show possession.
I thought the last line could be tightened up for better flow.
eg. Now can affect the next generation" or "can affect the lives of the next generation".

The two questions, not really a part of the acrostic are both thought provoking and serve as bookends to the poem, inspiring us to ponder. Thanks for sharing this vivid vision in honour of the earth.

Light on the path as you write on!
You responded to this review 04/24/2017 @ 12:58pm EDT |