Hi Elle , This review is a part of "Game of Thrones" [13+]. Overall Impression: This is an interesting poem, dear Elle. There is certainly a difference between fiction and trying to pass other people's experiences of as your own. You express this difference clearly in your poem. I especially like the line about how you never stole other people's horrors and rebranded them. Like you, I love prompts that inspire me, but there certainly is a difference between that and lying about one's life. To seem more interesting. To pack a greater emotional punch. Whatever the reason, it's not right. We each have different experiences, and we each ought to be honest. I think that that honesty produces the best writing. On the technical side of things, this poem reads well. It has a nice rhythm and flow. I like your use of punctuation - very helpful. And I love that you allow the capitalisation at the beginning of each line to depend upon the individual sentences within the piece. This perfects the overall clarity and reading experience. Great job! Suggestions: I have no suggestions, sorry. I like this poem just the way it is. It's beautifully written. My Rating: An excellent poem, about an interesting topic. I was happy to read it. I had no suggestions. I will give this item the 5 out of 5 rating it deserves. Thank you for sharing your work, and write on! Kit My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!" .