"WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group" THIS IS A REVIEW BY THE ANNIVERSARY GROUP IT IS A GIFT FOR YOU! Item Title: Mystery Author: San Type of writing: Poetry Reviewed by: Lisa Noe First Impression: Hello San, I'd like to wish you a very happy account anniversary, I'm going to give you a detailed review today in order to aid you in becoming a better writer. "Beauty is in our Words" I liked your poem, it is structured using just one verse. This title is very appropriate for this poem is a mystery I am having a hard time to follow what you are talking about. I think the poem flows well and it has an unhindered steady movement and moves freely from start to finish. it is listed under the drama and experience genres which is correctly listed. excerpt from writing: So - is it voice, or just the face That captures me, and haunts me so? Or - am I meant to never know? suggestions: I'm kind of lost with this poem? conclusion: thank you for sharing this item with me I appreciate your talent, you keep writing and I'll keep reading God Bless You.
Lisa Ann Noe ~~Image #4000 Sharing Restricted~~ My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!" .