I thought for sure that I had reviewed your blog before. I know that I've been here more than once. I guess I just never got around to reviewing it? No matter! I'm here to review it now, right? You seem to blog much like I blog... when you feel like it. Sometimes, there are a bunch of entries in just a few days, then there will be a few weeks without any. I do that too. I have even had breaks of similar length to yours... it has definitely been months between posts on at least one occasion. Your style differs from mine in a pretty major way though: you write concise entries. You say what you want to say, and then you move on. No crazy pictures and YouTube videos and colors and all of that. Just... text. In some ways, I think that is much more personal and real. It's like an offline journal. My blog is like an explosion of colors, music, links, pictures... some worse than others. I imagine it could get distracting. Simple is good. Anyway, I think that your blog is entertaining and also just a down-to-earth slice of life sort of journal. From what I've read, I can see why Ann gets along with you so well. Keep on blogging the way you want to blog. It's very relatable. This review is being given as part of the "Black Magic Birthday Review Bash" , presented by "The Dark Society" My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!" .