Hiya Wytch! What a wild violet ride for a party game! The concept of a game using apps is unique. The genre of flash fiction suits the daily activity with flair too. The page in purple is appealing and attractive with elegant and energizing designs. It is a joy to peruse. The rules are specific and clear as are the time parameters. I just wonder if a little summation of times might be highlighted again at the end--just for ease of seeing and being reminded. I know, with all that is going on, checking at a glance might be helpful. I liked the subtitle : "extended basics" as it is not something I've seen before. Adding the clue that prompt will be wild adds to the lure as it makes one curious! The game is open to everyone and it is so celebratory that everyone receives a prize for entering, so like a party favour! *bigmsile* The grand prizes are very generous too. I was a little confused as to the winners--as each round winner gets a prize but then you have grand prizes. Does that mean that at the end, each round winner goes in a draw for the bigger prize? I think that is how it may go--it just took me a minute to get it. LOL You rock for creating this Spectacular contribution for the 15th Birthday Bash. I hope this review gives it a little more light out there in WDC cyberspace. eyestar "All About Birthdays Free for all!" "Invalid Item"