New Beginnings [E] Essay on the days leading to and including my drive cross country from Georgia to Montana. |
A pleasant hour Countrygirl322 Welcome to WDC from "Newbie Welcome Wagon" ! A Greetings from "Invalid Item" I'm your friend here Samberine Everose Thank you for your interest in joining the contest"A Great Value of Expressions" And this is one of my gifts for you, reviewing a piece that I've found in your Portfolio. Please remember that I'm not a professional in writing or an expert in reviewing, these are just only my humble opinion as a reader who just like to read and appreciate the uniqueness of others thru their works. Just try to chew and ignore it, if doesn’t fit to your taste. WHAT I THINK ABOUT THE: Title:The title of your piece is good for me, A great start of everything is its new beginning. MY FINAL THOUGHTThis reminds me of the beauty in every morning - and that enticed me to read and picked your piece. Plot and Format - The format is good to me, it has proper paragraphing, incidents are in detailed and that makes reader somehow really understand it. Setting - if its properly well written, with the correct chosen of words, it makes a nice and balance imagery, and it will not seems to be redundant or overdone.The setting of your story is good, the words created are well. Length - A proper length of a story can enticed a reader also to read, but sometimes a story even if its long if the words that are delivered was good it will not seem to be long and boring, but even if its short it will seems to be long if its not properly done which makes the reader bored.The length of your story is just good for me, because it makes me to be a part of it,the words that you delivered makes me feel and see emotions of the characters. Grammar and punctuation - I didn't see any word that can distract the flow, and no doubt arise. just only the word amounts on the second paragraph. ..small amounts of time in his presence.... maybe you can eliminate the s there. Decisions we made make us hurt sometimes, but if this the only thing to have a new beginnings its worth to endure the pain. Thank you for sharing this piece, and for allowing me to drop some review. You portrayed it well. And I really enjoyed reading and reviewing it. I rate it 4. Hoping to see again more works of yours in the future. Until next time. ** Image ID #1979236 Unavailable ** My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!" .