You begin to feel your feet enter the warmth and lie down on the soft, warm flesh, and your feet are covered with saliva. You open your eyes and see in front of you the mouth of a fox and your paws, which lie on the tongue. The fox slowly pushes you into the mouth, and after a few seconds, your half of the body remains outside the outside of the mouth, and the other part is inside. The fox lifts its muzzle up, you become covered with saliva and therefore begin to slide down to the throat. Your feet touch the tongue, then enter the throat. The throat muscles contract around your legs, pulling them down. The fox takes a few sips, you have completely moved into the fox's throat, forming a large bulge on the outside of the throat, which goes down. You just accept that you will become food for the fox, so you do not give up resistance. Your hands fall into the mouth, then the fox slams the entrance from the place where you entered. The fox starts choking on you when your head gets down his throat. Your feet enter a large fleshy bag. You pass by the fox's trachea. At a fast pace, you go down and get into the stomach. Outside, the fox's belly began to bulge out from under the fur and increase in size. Even though you were small, you still didn't have enough space. The fox begins to gulp air greedily and comes out of a terrible state. A dim pink light burns inside the stomach.
The stomach begins to rumble merrily, preparing to digest you. You notice how a pale yellowish-greenish liquid begins to flow from the walls of the stomach. After a few minutes, the stomach is filled with this liquid up to your throat. The fox burps with pleasure. He turns over on his back, exposing his fox eggs to the sky and flaunting his plump belly. After this coup, you fall on the other wall of the stomach, and you are sprayed with acid. The fox pokes himself in the stomach, inside you feel like a paw is poking at you. The fox is very pleased with her prey, she pats her stomach, saying thank you. The fox, rubbing his stomach for fast digestion of food, falls asleep to the sounds of your screams. In a dream, the fox emits several burps.
"At this time in the stomach"
Gastric acid begins to act. The stomach begins to gurgle and shake the contents. Your whole body starts to tingle and burn. There is a terrible pain. The skin begins to peel, bubble and become covered with ulcers. Your skin begins to melt and peel off exposing your red muscles. Your nails and hair are falling out. Acid gets into your eyes and you go blind. You're lucky you lost consciousness anyway. You are completely immersed in the acid lake and lie down on the bottom. Your muscles and cartilage turn to mush, and your skeleton disintegrates. Your bones were digested a few millimeters too. Your skull is floating in a lake of mush mixed with acid.
After an indefinite number of hours, a lot of gases are collected in the stomach, which also entered the intestines from your digestion. The fox woke up a little, he turns over on his stomach and falls asleep in this position. Due to the pressure on the stomach, gases rise up the fox's throat and he emits several burps. And then the fox lifts his tail and stinky gases come out of his anus with a creaking sound. The air, having made a quick journey through the intestines of the fox, comes out from the other end.
And you continue your digestion. The stomach squeezes you into the small intestine through the sphincter. In the small intestine, fluids from the liver, bile and pancreatic acid will be injected into you, which neutralize the acid and help the intestinal villi better absorb and absorb nutrients from your liquid body. From the outside, the fox's belly takes the shape of a flat stomach back. A few hours later, the fox wakes up, and you are still walking through the intestines and rotting, releasing gases with which the fox happily farts. The fox makes a yawn. He gets up on his paws and runs away deep into the forest with a happy face.
Meanwhile, the fox finds a female and flirts with her and they begin to live together.
While searching for prey, you reach the fox's anus in the form of a thick brown sausage. He feels pressure on his anal sphincters.
He squats down. His tail straightened and rose into the air, exposing a pink anus. His anus began to open and a brown and uneven poop head appeared from it. The fox began to push and a sickening smell of rot escaped from his anus. The muscles of the intestine shuddered and began to shrink around the poop, pushing it out of the fleshy tunnel. With sneaky sounds, the poop came out of the male's anus. And a little more poo popped out of the anus and fell to the ground. But this is not the end.
Something white peeked out of the anus, but it wasn't going to just come out. Then I just strained even harder and the muscles began to push even harder. And this white thing flew out of the fox's anus and fell to the ground. It was your skull, which was covered with pieces of poop and on which there was a small piece of muscle. The fox lets go of his tail, gets up and continues his hunt further.
I think this will finally be the end!!!!!!