Nathaniel squeezed the side of his belly for a few moments. Out of curiosity, he squirmed on the couch to try to get himself to stand but he was unable to move at all. "I don’t think Sultan was this fat," Nathaniel joked.
"Oh, but real life Sultans were much larger. You’re still very small."
Nathaniel was surprised but he smiled sheepishly. "This is amazing, I can’t get over it..I want more!"
"Enjoy it, do you?"
"You bet! How much bigger were Sultans exactly?" Nathaniel asked with curiosity.
"Much larger, they were very spoiled by their people, and they all had the bodies to prove it. Most of the time they just lounged all day making descisions to help the people, and they repaid the Sultans by taking care of and feeding them, leading to their great size." Explained Ormann.
"Wow!" Exclaimed Nathaniel. "That sounds great! Alright Ormann, I wish that I was as big as a Sultan!"
Ormann smiled and snapped his fingers. The next thing that happened was the room became much larger, and the couch Nathaniel was sitting on became an enormous billowing cushion like the ones Sultans had. Nathaniel was lying on his back in the center of the cushion, pinned by his massive belly. He looked to the side to see Ormann reach out his hand and squeeze a handful of his fat. Ormann then began to massage it in his hand giving Nathaniel a nice warm feeling. Ormann walked in front of the cushion and looked at Nathaniel's already immobile body.
Ormann grinned a bit and began twiddling his fingers. "Well Nathaniel, are you ready?"
"As ready as I'll ever be!" He replied enthusiastically.
As that was said, Ormann snapped his fingers once more and Nathaniels already gigantic figure began to expand once more. His stomach filled up with soft fat, growing higher and spilling over his legs and his sides taking over the cushion. His arms and legs puffed out farther and farther, sagging and rolling across the cushion like his belly. His chest expanded and drooped farther down, causing giant rolls to form on his sides as his form continued to take over the cushion. Ormann was watching with wonderful delight as Nathaniel's body threatened to roll over the cushions boundaries. Nathaniel's neck was lost in a giant fold of fat that joined his chin with his chest, and his face was about as padded as the cusion he was lying on! Ormann finally stopped Nathaniels growth just as his belly was about to spill over the cushion. Ormann looked ecstatic seeing Nathaniel's extremely fattened body.
"How do you feel Nathaniel?"
"I feel great! I can't even move!"
"Yes, that's true. Most Sultans were that way, but now you're the size of a normal Sultan."
"A normal Sultan?" Nathaniel said quizically. "You mean there were actually Sultans bigger than this, how is that possible!"
"Great Sultans had great servants. The best of the best were bigger than even this."
Ormann floated above Nathaniel and landed softly on his greatly expanded navel. Upon impact, giant ripples were sent through Nathaniel's body, making him shutter with pleasure. He wouldn't have thought it, but having all that fat on his body made him very aroused, each ripple sent through his fat felt like a wave of personal pleasure. Ormann saw at the look of bliss on Nathaniel's face and began to grab handfuls of his fat body, massaging them whilst he rocked back and forth causing his belly to ripple heavily like the ocean. Nathaniel loved the feeling he felt from each one and began to moan as he got the world's best belly rub.
"Does that feel good Nathaniel?" Said Ormann with a smile.
Nathaniel nodded, 'Yes', being at a loss for words.
"Well..." Said Ormann. "...I can think of something else you might like, or do you want to see what it's like to be as big as the best Sultan in the world?"
Ormann stopped rocking so Nathaniel could answer, he took a deep breath and said...