The three cheerleaders had no idea what had just happened to them. One moment, they were driving down the road, on the way to school, and the next they’re on the floor in some giant bedroom, a bedroom that seemed to go on forever.
The hardwood floor itself appeared to stretch for miles in all directions. Off in the distance, a bed larger than any of them could even fathom, sat, with a light blue blanket balled up near the foot. Directly in front of them, a computer desk rose higher than any skyscraper and in a chair that totally engulfed them in its shadow, sat a fat teenage girl who looked awfully familiar.
“What the hell’s going on?!” one of the girls yelled, as she desperately tried to open her door. Suddenly a firm hand clamped down on her wrist. It was Rebekkah, head of the cheerleading squad.
“Stop it, Michelle,” Rebekkah said, trying to calm down her friend. “We need to all stay in the car. I have no idea what just happened to us, but we can’t start freaking out.”
“Okay,” Michelle said in a small voice, as she tried to hold in her tears.
“Um, guys?” Stacy, the driver of the car, said. “I think we’ve been shrunk.”
“Oh, come on, Stacy,” Rebekkah replied. “Don’t be ridiculous. No one can--“ Suddenly, she realized what was going on and what those two large, fleshy things were on either side of them. It was someone’s ankles which were thicker than redwoods and stretched for at least 500 feet from their vantage point.
“Oh…my…God,” Rebekkah exclaimed, before a huge hand descended from far above and two chubby fingers plucked them off the floor.
All three teens screamed as the car was lifted, travelling incredibly fast, before stopping inches in front of an enormous—and incredibly pissed off—face.
“Hello, girls,” a mighty voice boomed, forcing the three terrified cheerleaders to cover their ears. “For years, you’ve taken pleasure in tormenting me and my friends with your cruel jokes and endless waves of vicious gossip. Well, now it’s time for a little payback.”
Suddenly, the car was enveloped by the fleshy walls of Sally’s palm, shrouding the shrunken girls in complete darkness. They screamed again, not knowing what was going to happen to them.
Up above, Sally pondered her next move…