Lord Zedd had been planning this all along; he'd just been waiting for the right time.
Unlike Rita's ridiculous monster-making machine that did nothing more than poorly mimic his magicks, Zedd's staff was the genuine article- an item that had the power to transform any item of his choosing into a fiendish monster, so long as it was either alive, had some emotional attachment, or both.
His next design had both: Kimberly.
Yes, Lord Zedd had always had every intention of transforming at least one of the Rangers into his monsterous slave; not only would it cut down on their numbers, but the resulting abomination would be far more powerful than the ordinary cut, with all the magical energy already coursing through their veins.
Why had Lord Zedd waited so long to inact this plan? He'd just needed one of the Rangers to slip up and feel darkness within their heart. Kimberly now felt such darkness...anger, envy, and a lust for size, power, and recognition. Kimberly was vulnerable, and Zedd knew the perfect form to grant her, one that would give her everything she desired, thus enabling him to affect her with his evil magic.
The only thing standing in his way was the morpher. As long as she had that, there wasn't anything he could do to her. His signiture red rays of transformation would simply rickochet off her, and it would be clear to the entire ranger squad that Zedd was targeting her. In the midst of the feelings of fear and paranoia that those events would cause, the petty gymnastic rivalry would all but be forgotten, and so would Zedd's chances of making her his.
Zedd knew that he must act quickly, while the poker was still hot. The darkness in Kimberly's heart would only stay so potent for so long. Zedd needed to rid the girl of her weapon, so he eyed the park she was walking in for any potential candidates. He spotted a stray female dog and a bouque of crushed flowers in a trash bin... someone had been dumped recently.
A dumb animal and an item with a negative emotional attachment...almost too perfect, except such a plan would come with a high cost.
"Three transformations, all almost at once... it will cost me nearly all of my energy, and then some... but it will be all worth it...GOLDAR!"
"Yes, my liege." Said the lumbering fiend, walking up from behind Zedd's throne. Suddenly, Zedd wrenched his clawed hand around Goldar's throat, and began sucking energy he had previously instilled in him for just such an occasion. Goldar had no knowledge of this energy; Zedd had simply used his body as an energy bank. When the quick transference was through, Zedd left Goldar wheezing on the floor and turned his attention back to Earth- there was no time for an explaination. Zedd held up his staff and sent beams of red lightening crashing down to Earth.
It all happened so fast, Kimberly had no time to react. One moment, a large collie was sniffing her heels as she walked by a trash bin, then suddenly, a flash of red blinded her. The next thing she knew, her arms were being firmly grasped by two huge, inhuman hands, while the dog was gone and the bin tipped over and in their place...
"Beautiful...BEAUTIFUL!" screamed Zedd, and not just because his plan was going off without a hitch...he was being quite litteral. Both the dog and the flowers had been transformed into undoubtably his most attractive breed of monsters ever: Amazons.
Yes, his new Amazon-monster theme was quite ingenious. While the pre-transformation ingredients had to consist of either a living female creature or something linked to the female gender (such as roses), they came with many new advantages. For one thing, they were incredibly strong and durable; the Rangers would be splintering their fists just trying to get a punch in. But at the same time, they were not just huge and strong; they were also beautiful. Gorgeous. Their breasts, huge. Their hair, long and luxurious. Their butts, bubble-shaped and firm. Their hips, wide; their waists, hourglass-shaped. And with this beauty came a siren-like ability to command males who felt attracted to their goddess-like bodies.
His first two test subjects had blossomed beautifully; Werezon and Rozon. Werezon had formed from the stray collie into a giant werewolf amazon, with a humanoid body, but the head and hair of a Collie. Her mane had become like long human hair, and she had hair on her dog-like tail. The rest of her body had short, human hair, but her voluptuous body was wrapped in a brown dog-skin dress (think Giganta's outfit from Challenge of the superfriends- all amazons have the same type of dress in this story).
Rozon had come from the roses, of course. (To save a long explaination, she looks almost exactly like Lilymon did in the first Digimon season, except she's got the Amazon figure and is dressed in an Amazon dress with red rose prints all over it. She also had two rose buds jutting outward from either shoulder blade).
Before Kimberly had a chance to realize what was going on, Rozon and Wereon, both a gigantic 8 feet tall, grabbed her from either side while Rozon snagged her Morpher from her waist.
"Don't worry, sugar" Rozon said with a heavy southern belle accent.
"You'll have it back...as soon as you're our QUEEN." barked Wereon.
That was all the signal that Zedd needed. He sent down the beams that would change Kimberly's life forever.
Just as the red lightening bolts hit Kimberly, Rozon thrust the morpher onto Kimberly, allowing the Power Ranger magic to mix with Zedd's. Since Kimberly was already being transformed, the morpher's magic would now only add to Zedd's own, creating the most powerful creature Zedd had ever produced.
Rozon and Wereon were both blown back by a sphere of pink light that enveloped Kimberly's tiny form like a cocoon.
Inside the bubble, Kimberly was experiencing a power that tempted her with all the power she desired, and in her moment of weakness, she welcomed it, and it flooded into her, transforming her. She transformed into the pink ranger, and then back to her normal form, as if saying goodbye to both. Then she appeared in her ranger outfit, but without the helmet, and that's when the change began. The pink and red lightening bolts danced all over her form, changing every cell in her body from human to the same maleable substance that composed all of Zedd's monsters. Kimberly was no longer human; she was a monster now. But the changes were far from done.
Her brunette hair grew tumbling down below her waist, her body became an exact copy of the two other amazon monsters' bodies, and then doubled in every aspect (her muscles, breasts, and butt became twice as big) She became a whopping 9 feet tall, and her Pink Ranger uniform began to change as well. her gloves, shoulder sleeves, belt, and pant legs disappeared, leaving only the dress and miniskirt, which became an all-pink amazon dress like the other monsters'.
When the change had completed, Rozon and Werezon looked on in awe at their new Queen. Kimberly the human was gone; before them stood Amazonia, the most powerful and beautiful of the Amazon monster trio. With the powers of both the Pink Ranger and the Amazon-monsters at her command, she was truly a sight to behold.
She opened her mouth to speak...