"Hey Kaiba...don't you have some big fancy company to run?" you snarl at Kaiba. The rich brat just shoves you aside, about to say something to Yugi's grandpa. His eyes then lay upon the BEWD card in the box, and he gasps.
"The Blue Eyes White Dragon?!! Here?!! In this junk shop?!!!" shouted Kaiba. He slams his briefcase onto the counter and opens it. Inside is a whole case of rare and powerful cards. "Listen old man, I'll trade all these cards for that one,"
"Sorry, but no deal," said Yugi's grandpa.
"Then is it money you want? I can pay you anything!" shouted Kaiba.
"Yes, but that card was given to me by a good freind of mine. I can feel his heart within this card," said Yugi's grandpa.
Kaiba stomps out of the room, grumbling, "Heart inside a card...ridicolous..."
Later, you, Yugi, Joey, Tea, and Tristan are at the ice cream palor and talking, when a man in a black suit appeared.
"Yugi Mutoh...you best come with me. Your grandpa is in big trouble..." smirked the man. Yugi gasps, and you growl, knowing that rat Kaiba is up to something. You all rush to Kaiba's company, coming just in time to see Yugi's grandpa staggering out of a room.
"I'm...sorry, Yugi..." gasped Yugi's grandpa, falling onto the ground.
"Grandpa!!!" shouted Yugi, running to his grandpa's side.
Kaiba comes walking out, smirking, "Your grandpa and I had a little duel, betting our rarest cards...and I won," He holds up the BEWD card, and to everyone's shock, he tears it up!
"My card...my treasure..." gasped Yugi's grandpa, the stress too much for him. He weakly reaches for his deck and gives it to Yugi, urging him to beat Kaiba.
"YU-GI-OH!!!!" shouted Yugi, his Millinuem Puzzle glowing, and it appeared he has some expressional changes. Tea then took a marker and marked yours, Yugi's, and all the rest of your friends' hands.
"This is a symbol of freindship," said Tea, before she and Tristan helped Yugi's grandpa to the hospital. You decide...