Lauren drops you into the bowl and starts dropping lettuce,tomatoes and croutouns on you.the croutons hurt like a bitch as the cascade on your two foot body like giant boulders."please,lauren,I'm begging you,do not eat please!" "I dont taste good at all,you heard the expression 'girls are sugar and spice and everything nice,boys are made from dirt and worms' didnt you?" "of course I did,my stomach has'nt" you hear another deep rumble deep from the pit of her stomach,"just think it as a roller coaster,and a couple days later you'll be out and about" lauren turns her back for a minute and you desperatly try to climb out of the bowl,but the smoothness of it and the wetness from the salad did'nt help,"Aww,are you trying to escape my snack?" lauren says as she reenters the kitchen,"lets give a 'preview' of what'll happen to you brandon" she picks up a cherry tomatoe and pops it into her mouth,chews it loudly,with drool running down her chin, swishes around her mouth a couple times and finially did a exactracted loud swalllow and rubbed her belly,"now do'nt make this difficult"she said and drenched you in cool ranch dressing "mmm,your going so delicious" "actually ,from the moment you got shrunk,I knew one of us was have you inside us,i'm just glad its me!" she turns her back again to get something and now is your opertuine momment,you climb over the slick edge jump on the counter and run for dear life. "hey,mabey you dont have to be the only one who gets swallowed,mabey,if you do what say, we'll invite more guys to......" she turns around "you sneaky little bastard!" "Where are you?!" lauren footsteps sound like mini earthquakes.CRAP! she spots you heading behind the fridge and snatches you up,"you did'nt get far on your little legs did you?" she throws in the salad and your suddenly once again engufled by green and sour darkness,you hear voices outside "is he in there? "yep" says lauren,you find your way out of the green lettuce,all five girls are staring down at you,"are you ready for this?" ciria asks "do I have a choice? "NOT REALLY!" they say at the same time, lauren gets her fork and start shoveling down the salad with ranch dressing dripping her giant sexy lips,you start to think this may not be a bad idea after all,next to ciria,lauren was the second sexiest girl in school.after about 15 min. there was only a couple of scrounges at the bottom and you too! but lauren dose'nt go for the salad,she drops her fork and picks you up with her two massive fingers and opoens her mouth wide,you can see the ranch inside her mouth and bits of lettuce left,"have fun in my digestive tract,I cant wait have you kicking down my throat and punching the walls of my stomach,mmmm" she licked he massive lips."adiue,brandon,down the hatch!