"Oh, there you are," says your mum hurriedly, "I was just leaving you a note. Put on your coat, your brother's been hurt in an accident and we have to go to the hospital."
"Ok," you say seeing your mom rush pass you with Mike's back pack.
You follow Mom to the SUV and say sorry many times.
"So what happened?" you ask.
Your mom explains how Mike was walking down a stone stairs case after a local league football practice and slipped and fell. Now both of his legs have been broken.
"It's amazing his head isn't cracked," mom says as she races down the highway. You hang on for dear life in the passenger side.
Your mom then explains how Mike may not be able to play football anymore.
You arrive at the hospital and follow your mom in and she asks for Mike's room and then follow her up the stairs and down the hall and into a small room.
You enter the room to see Mike lying in bed with an IV hooked up to his right arm and his legs in plaster and a few band aids here and there. Mike has also gotten larger since the last time you saw him, he must be a little over 300lbs and he's only wearing a big pair of boxers.
Your dad is sitting next to Mike and stands up and gives your mom a hug and Mom sits down next to Mike and says," How's my little boy?"
"About time you got home," Dad whispers standing next to you. His big body making you feel even smaller.
"I'm sorry," you say and feel a tear in your eye.
"The doctors will operate on me tonight," Mike says," but there's a chance that I won't be able to play football anymore."
Then your memory goes nuts and you remember how Swizzle of Notz and Yeps had some Wishing Powder and how you could make things right.
"Don't go," Mike says as Mom stands up.
"Don't worry my little baby," Mom assures him," me and your father are going to talk in the hall, (insert your name here) will keep you company."
Mom and Dad walk out into the hall and shut the door and you sit next to Mike on his left side.
"I'm sorr...ack," you say as Mike puts you into a headlock.
"About time you got home squirt," Mike says.
"I'm sorry," you answer trying to get free, but Mike is strong and you can't get free," but I have a way I can make things better."
"How," Mike questions.
"I saw something at the mall that can heal you," you tell him," but I need some more money to get it."
"Then take it out of your bank account," Mike suggests.
"Got none," you answer feeling your face go red with embarrassment or being choked.
Mike lets you go then what does he tell you?