The door bell rings and both you and Mike spring to your feet to answer the door. Mike pushes you out of the way and opens up the door to expose and huge guy holding the pizza's in his hand. The guy is huge, he must be a few years older then Mike and is even bigger then your Dad.
"Good afternoon," says the big guy with a smile on his chubby face," that'll be 20 bucks."
"Here you go," Mike says handing over the money, plus a 5 dollar tip, then taking the pizzas," Looks like you enjoy your job."
"I love it," the pizza guy says," good food, sit all day, eat the left overs, life is good."
"You don't say," Mike says," hey (insert your name here)."
"What?" you asks eyeing the pizza in Mike's hands.
"Has Jim phoned for me?" Mike asks talking about his former boss at the hardware story.
"Not that I know of," you answer.
"We'd love to get some help down at the Pizza Parler," says the big guy," do you know how to cook?"
"I'm ok at it," Mike says modestly.
"You couldn't boil water," you joke.
Mike grabs you and puts you in a head lock while still holding the pizza boxes,"I can so cook. Had to learn since I was at college."
"Let me go," you protest.
Mike makes a fist and rubs it ontop of your head and lets you go and says,"So how do I apply?"
"I'll bring you down after we have the pizza," says the big guy inviting himself in,"By the way, I'm Ian."
"Mike," your brother says shaking hands.
"Let's eat," Ian smiles.
Mike leads you and Ian into the living room and opens up the pizza boxes....but who eats the most pieces?