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by ness
Rated: 13+ · Interactive · Action/Adventure · #567853
YA BtVS crossover choose your own adventure OOC more of a game than a fic

YA BtVS crossover choose your own adventure OOC more of a game than a fic

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The creator of this Interactive Story provides this information and guidance:

This is a Young Americans fanfic (a very obscure shortlived Warner Bros teen soap TV show), crossed over with Buffy. If you don't know YA it is pointless. If you did enjoy the programme, there are all too few fanfics around about it, so welcome:

Blame Gis, okay? And Patty
Patty should have stopped us..

Suppose Bella got to be a Vampire Slayer? How would the rest of the Rawley gang fit into that kind of story?

Scout in a Cordelia-esque role (but sweeter natured)
Will doing the Willow thing - research on the net buying info on demons not entrance exams, maybe he could get into spells
Hamilton doing a Xander, no muscle, lots of quips.

Finn as Giles the token grownup (Gis insists)
Jake being a reclaimed demon in love with H (try + make her more likeable than Anya)
Need I even say who ought to be cranky, English accented, blond badboy Spike? ..Didn't think so.

neither Buffy nor Young Americans belong to me. I'm borrowing them.
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Printed from https://writing.com/main/interactive-story/item_id/567853-YA-fanficBella-the-Vampire-Slayer