As Tim fell back out of the strange place he caught his balance only just in time to plant on firm footstep right into the water of the stream. Almost immediately after he did so he could hear his friends shout "He's back here!" and begin to full sprint towards him. Knowing he was caught but needing to play off his unbelievable finding, Tim began to run across the stream and try to lose his friends in the trees and the underbrush. Thankfully for the seekers this game wasn't a tag or tackle game, they simply had to see the person and call their name. Pete being the one who was slightly faster than the rest was the first to catch Tim trying to dash and he called out his name.
"Tim! I found you!" Pete yelled.
"Yeah, you got me. My spot was so good too!" Tim said.
"We didn't see you at all when we came by here earlier. Where were you, dude?" James said.
"I'm not gonna tell you were my spot was, then I can't use it again." Tim correctly called out.
"I bet he found a way to hide under the little bridge!" Harry accused.
"I told you, I'm not telling!" Tim spoke up.
"Come on, guys, we have to find Tyson still." Pete reminded them.
And with that the friends went right back to the game and Tim nearly forgot about his experience as if it were a dream that he couldn't remember after he woke up. The next time Tim even thought about it was when he was back home that night about to change into his pyjamas. As he removed his clothing from the day Tim went to remove the ring he was wearing when it came flooding back to him. It really happened. He did have an oddly other-worldly ring that he found in a pocket dimension. Quickly putting his pyjamas on he closed his door, hopped onto his bed, and began to wonder how he could activate the ring. After a few attempts at different hand motions like he was Spider-Man learning his powers, Tim decided he would take it off like a normal ring and he held it in his palm. Closing his hand around it, the ring seemed to change back into the blob, and Tim released it to let it float in front of him. Tim reached his hand out to be met with the hand print from before and the menu popped up again. This time it read "User Authenticated" as the dim light in the room seemed to change a little bit. Again the options menu popped up and this time Tim went straight for Beings.
Looking at his name as the first option again he recognized his mother, his father, and his two sisters' names as well. Tim decided to select his own name and watched as his body popped up with another search bar and a list of more options. "There sure are a lot of menus in menus on this thing." Tim breathed to himself. Scrolling, he recognized some easy ones like Body, Age, Personality, Relationships, etc. Tim clicked Age and sure enough, it popped up with his age, 12, a meter, just beyond the beginning of it, and a wheel below that meter that he could scroll. He began to scroll the wheel to the right and he saw the meter fill until it reached the end and the number turned over to 13. Looking down at his body he realized that nothing was different, save that he seemed to be sitting a little less comfortably, and he decided to take it even further. As the wheel turned and turned he hit 14, then 15, then 16, and he definitely noticed the changes. He looked at himself to see that he was much taller as well as a bit more filled out than before, though he was still in his much too small pyjamas from before. Tim rolled the age all the way back down to where he started, just a bit more than 12 years old, then he went back out.
Clicking Body next he discovered a lot of options, big ones like Biology and Composition as well as much simpler ones like Height, Weight, Muscle, and Extras. Tim had always been a little self conscious about his body as he saw some other kids in school growing taller, not to mention his older sister started to bring home boyfriends a year or two ago. He selected Height first before remembering how he looked in the pyjamas when he was 16 years old. Speaking of, he looked kinda pudgy when he was 16, but now he had an option to change that. Tim backed up and selected muscle. This time he was met with the 3D outline of his body with seemingly the entire thing selected and a simple set of arrows up and down, not that he understood why the down arrow existed. Not sure what it would do to him he decided to start with one simple press of the up arrow. Tim felt a little different, something he would describe as feeling good, if just noticeably more than feeling nothing. Tim decided to click the arrow four more times until he noticed a difference. The 3D outline of his body plumped a bit and he could tell it was working. A couple more presses and Tim felt strong. He jumped up out of bed and tried to get a good look at himself. He wasn't really showing anything impressive to the passing viewer, but he noticed a difference. He could tell that his legs were thicker, he actually felt his biceps existing and rising, and he did look a little more like he was an athlete.
Though Tim wanted to take this to his limits he was still concerned with the warning from before. Sure, compared to changing actual time his small buff up was small scale, but it did warn that all changes had consequences. He'd have to try to keep it under wraps for now, just in case other people would be alerted to the supernatural. Back onto his bed, Tim went to the Extras menu to see what was there. This menu included things that could give him diseases, ailments, apparently remove or add appendages, and even change his hair and eye color. Exploring the appendages option he found that it highlighted individual parts of his body. It took him little time, as a boy, to select his penis. Sure enough, it worked! And it gave him options to let him customize the size, shape, and even the function. It was like the most in depth character creator he had ever seen.
Getting a devious feeling Tim decided what he was gonna do. In fact, there was only one thing he could do, he wanted to make his dick bigger. He had been through health class and even had a curiosity himself of what puberty would be as some kids around him had started into it. Being that he hadn't hit it yet made him understand why his parts weren't fully grown yet, but that didn't mean he didn't want to be bigger. The display had an option of both inches and centimeters for him to choose from, of which he chose inches, to then see a disappointing number show up. 3.72 inches. Again, he was still young, but who wants to have a small penis? He decided he wanted to known what it was like if his dick was over twice as big. scrolling a wheel again he dialed the number up to 8. Quickly the image on the screen matched the change and his body did as well. It felt like a good stretch as he could suddenly feel his underwear against his shaft.
Excited to see the difference Tim pulled his waistband forward to see his penis larger than it ever had been before. He had only recently started getting real boners, but as soft as it was his penis was still bigger now than it had ever been. Checking the door again he started to handle his new appendage to watch it spring to life and sure enough it was more than twice his previous size. It was thick in his hands and quite unwieldy at this new size. Laying back he felt it shift, on his small body it reached up past his belly button. The warmth, the weight, and the reach of it just hypnotizing for his young mind. He wasn't exactly skilled at masturbation at this point in his life but through the combination of new sensation and his inexperience he was able to climax.
After recovering from his fun, Tim returned to the menu, backing out to the top, and closing it out. Grasping the orb it became a ring once more, and Tim got under the covers to go to sleep