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Where naughty school boys who misbehave get taught a lesson between their legs |
Where naughty school boys who misbehave get taught a lesson between their legs
This is an interactive story. Each chapter tells part of the story and often ends with multiple choices. Make a choice and move to the next chapter in your story. When you reach a chapter that hasn't been written yet, don't be shy... make an addition! The creator of this Interactive Story provides this information and guidance:
Camen B. Trust is just a simple boarding school for young boys who are very naughty and need a strong guiding hand. And, despite the rumors you may hear around town, CBT does NOT mean cock ball torture! I mean, really, who would ever send their son here if they knew the school would completely remove his clothes, his dignity, and nearly his balls! The boys at CBT certainly don't harm each other's genitals! And the staff certainly don't have specific rooms where naughty boys' bits are put on display before being crushed, tickled, and teased! What would any of that do for the boys anyway? You really think they'd suddenly behave when the thought of losing their testicles becomes all too real as they cry, squirm, and scream for mercy? No! These boys learn the old fashioned way with strict discipline.
Disclaimer: this is a commissioned work with specific chapters that will build over time. I may rearrange any submissions to follow suit. Any additions should follow the storyline, characters, and chapter length. Enjoy! |
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