Printed from https://writing.com/main/interactive-story/item_id/2332477-The-Isle-of-Desire
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Rated: 18+ · Interactive · Erotica · #2332477
A living island where many desires can happen.

A living island where many desires can happen.

This is an interactive story. Each chapter tells part of the story and often ends with multiple choices. Make a choice and move to the next chapter in your story. When you reach a chapter that hasn't been written yet, don't be shy... make an addition!
The creator of this Interactive Story provides this information and guidance:
Long ago there were three wizard brothers, the oldest became the wizard who would create many of the books from Summoning is Fun. The second eldest brother who was the most perverted and curious with his head held high into the clouds stumbled into something that would change him. He became the Island of Desires, a living island with godlike powers. Now it exists looking like the island of Japan only three times it’s normal size as if no one ever built anything there, in its own pocket dimension with a dark purple sun floating above it with a purple sea. To entertain itself and to satisfy its intense curiosity the Island now connected to an infinite number of realities will bring people to it to put them through mostly perverted challenges. Though not all challenges are perverted, not all challenges will be it dragging a man and his best friend to it to turn one into a woman to tempt them into baby making. There’s just a 60% chance a challenge will be perverted. Most of those that complete the challenges or escape the island will only tell their stories in hushed tones to their most trusted friends of their time on the Island. And the rewards they gain. The island rewards those who can resist temptation and conquer its challenges based on how well they do and depending on the challenges’ scale.

Wow finally done with that. I’ve been meaning to get this story up for a while since it’s been in my head for maybe 3 years now. So now we can focus on the nitty gritty of the hentai god island that likes to turn people’s lives into doujins just because it got curious or because it wanted to play matchmaker.

1: Death can happen in the story. After all the Island can and will create monsters or bring in ones from other worlds if needed. Those who die will just respawn halfway across the island. Maybe in some shack that the island created in a snowy zone it created.

2: There will always be a way for people on the island to return home. One method will be a portal in a hard to reach place. The other will be for people in their world especially if they personally saw their friends get sent to the island.

3: No m/m, no sissy stuff, water sports, scat, beastility, necrophilia, bronies, or furries/anthros.

4: Now that being said you can make human versions of characters like Fox McCloud and the MLP girls.

5: No one sentence characters and please use proper grammar.

New rules will be added if needed.
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Printed from https://writing.com/main/interactive-story/item_id/2332477-The-Isle-of-Desire