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Your country found a new way to deal with female (or male) criminals, it involves diapers |
Your country found a new way to deal with female (or male) criminals, it involves diapers
This is an interactive story. Each chapter tells part of the story and often ends with multiple choices. Make a choice and move to the next chapter in your story. When you reach a chapter that hasn't been written yet, don't be shy... make an addition! The creator of this Interactive Story provides this information and guidance:
Male and Unisex options avalible if you prefer. Just pretend the following text refers to men or both genders.
A new law has been estabilshed, when women commit crimes they are sent to special reeducation centers set up like big nursuries, where they are given an injection to weaken their muscles, including bladder and bowels, they spend a few months in these centers where they are treated like babies with everything it involves, once their potty training is gone and the worst of their rebellion is repressed, they are sent out to host families to be their babies for the remainder of their sentence and slowly raised again into proper adults.
Chapter additions are appriciated
Some worldbuilding:
1. Women, regardless of crime is sent to these facilities
2. Women in this program is officially refereed to as Juvies, but given this new type of punishment plenty of slang terms have originated for the Juvies. Others include, Brats, Baby-Girls, Littles, Con-Cribs, Redbutts or any other name people find amusing enough to use.
3. Pretty much anyone can apply to be a Juvie Caretaker.
4. Juvies are expected to be treated like babies at all times, with all it includes.
5. Physical and/or embarassing punishments like spankings, enemas, corner-time or crib confinement is encouraged when the Juvie is Naughty. |
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