November 18th, 10:24 AM.
"Ugh, why can't evening come sooner..."
S.H.O.T.G.U.N, the agency in charge of keeping those with powers accountable. Nobody really knew what the initials for the company stood for except for the CEO, but what they could all agree on was that it was the gun to the back of any hero who got too confident in their own position in the world. Through their legal arm as well as the employment of the attorney-at-law superhero Gavel, they ensured that any metahuman, whether hero or villain, was accountable for everything they did under the power of the law.
Unfortunately, that made the Shotgun very much a bureaucratic hell to actually work in. Arrive at 7 AM, climb in a cubicle, fill out files on restitutions and payments for damage caused by heroic acts of daring to save civilians. After that, leave at 5 PM and repeat the same thing for five days a week. In addition to that, they also had to properly fill out the reports on new heroes arriving on the scene, including finding their names, occupation and superpowers (if they had any).
Of course, with Kimmy this was very much a back breaking labor for her, especially since she started vigilanting. Between her night shift as the Lone Bullet and the day job she had filing for heroics damages, she only got 3 hours of sleep. Thankfully her house was only five minutes away from the office building, but that meant that by the time she got home from work she immediately fell asleep for a few hours before heading out once more to be a hero.
Thank god that she was the breadwinner and that her hubby was the homemaker. Otherewise, she'd feel super guilty for being gone from home for so long, especially for her children Homer and Amber. Still, her morning job was to earn everything needed to raise those two kids, and her night job was to make those streets safe for-
"Hey, Ms. Accardi! Wake up, I've got a big project for you!"
Again, Kimmy Accardi had fallen asleep on the job with an entire hour passing by. What's worse, she had been woken up by her manager Henri House, who had a big series of papers for her. Kicking ass and taking names was sure fun, she thought, but on these work days all it left her was being exhausted and nearly dead inside. It certainly was a double edged sword, but it was what she chose and she had to deal with the consequences.
"I said, you got a big project! Now take these papers, get off your desk and get to work! And I want them on my desk by closing! Ya got it?"
"And get some coffee while your at it. You look terrible!"
Watching as House walked away, Kimmy grumbled as she reached to the side of her desk for another donut. She had gotten a baker's dozen this morning in the neighboring donut shop, and now she was on her 6th donut, practically halfway through the box. She had been bringing donuts into the office for a month at this point, but recently she's been relying on their sugary energy in order to keep herself awake.
This left her feeling somewhat full, and combined with also having a midnight snack at Wendy's most nights her blouse was feeling a bit tighter recently. It wasn't that much of a concern, since it was at least going to the right places... but even if it weren't it'd be the least of her concerns as she took a look at the files she needed to fill out, having a slowly dawning realization.
"Need info on the identity of... The Lone Bullet? Beh merda."
This was to be expected. She had gone out multiple nights, beat up criminals and dragged them to jail. Of course she'd eventually be on the radar of organizations like the Shotgun, even if her cowl and uniform was hiding her identity. But even then, once they did find news on a new powerless vigilante tearing through criminal groups on the Chicago streets she thought it'd be the assignment of someone else.
The more she thought about it though, the funnier her situation was to her sleep-deprived self. They wanted the identity of the newest cape on the scene in Chicago, and they hired the secret identity of said hero in order to find them out. She was practically Peter Parker in those movies, minus all the Pizza Time and memetic dancing. They even expected her to report on any powers that the Lone Bullet could have had, even though she knew for a fact that she had none.
"Well... this is certainly a unique situation I've found myself in. Potresti anche divertirti."
With a pen in hand, Kimmy hovered over the piece of paper that was supposed to record the information that the company could find on basically herself. She was not going to dox herself if she could help it, but at the very least she could have some fun in getting back at someone who had caused her some grief over the past few months outside of work.
"Ora chi dovrei inserire in questa lista invece di me stesso? Perhaps that waitress who interuppted my kiss with my hubby Andre? Or maybe that guy who stole my wallet while I was waiting at line for donuts two days ago?"
Grabbing a seventh donut, she'd take a bite as she continued to think. She was now starting to get actually full, but she was pushing through it just for that sweet goodness. There were plenty of different people who she could have put on the list, who she didn't really like and didn't mind footing the bills of any damages she caused while busting goons. However, eventually one certain individual came to mind.
"Oh, I know. Give my daughter a C- on a beautiful diorama of the Battle of the Aegates, will ya? The Lone Bullet, secret identity... Kennedy Hazel."
Sure, it was petty. But so was she. Kennedy Hazel was her daughter Amber's history teacher, and treated her daughter like crap. Granted part of it was that she wasn't particularly good in the subject of history, but when she put all of her effort into a diorama of an ancient Greek Battle and she gave it a low score just because it was too big for the table all of the other projects were supposed to be held on?
Oh it was personal.
"Oh, mi divertirò tantissimo con questo. Kennedy non saprà cosa le succederà finché non vedrà una banconota enorme sulla sua porta, quella stronza!"
10:00 PM
"Hey Andre? Do you think I did a good thing today?"
Kimmy took a day off from heroics for the night, needing to sleep. Instead, she was in bed with her husband Andre, ready to rest for the night after the fun that she had during the afternoon putting Kennedy's life in place of her own to save her own skin. Since she took two days off from work every week, she decided to do the same for her job as the Lone Bullet, on alternating days to conserve more energy.
Andre didn't know much about the whole pinning the identity on Kennedy thing though. She had made a... white lie, merely saying she just made someone up to divert her own company's efforts at finding out her little secret. She was worried that her husband was going to see right through it, but to her relief he was hooked on the white lie and actually believed it. Still, she needed to know what he felt of it, and if he was actually okay with it.
"I'll admit baby, that was certainly clever of you... but what if you're caught doing all that?"
"What do you mean?"
Moving an arm behind her head to caress the gorgeous golden locks of his wife, Andre smiled a bit as he explained himself. "Well... consider that they'd probably look into finding the house of that person you made up. What do you think they'll do when they find such a person doesn't exist, or that a different person lives in that house?"
"...Well, it'll take a long time before that happens." Kimmy responded, pulling forward as she worried a bit, revealing her bare breasts from the blanket that slowly fell off from her bare skin. "It's bureaucratic hell out there, and moves at a snail's pace. I can imagine that my act at least bought me a few months... right?"
"Maybe... maybe... but what then? They're gonna start following you after they find out that information was faked. What if they track you to here? What if they come to your house in the middle of the night, and fire you for trying to hide a secret identity at your job?"
This... actually hit hard. She hadn't even thought about that.
"Merda. Well, what do you expect me to do? Go in at the middle of the night and change it so I'm being honest about myself? They may force me to either quit or be just like Gavel, a hero at their beck and call to go after their enemies list..."
"I'm not saying you should do any of that." Pulling Kimmy a bit closer, Andre hugged his wife with a careful caress as he helped her out. "Just... you may have to figure it out as it goes. Sometimes we make mistakes, but when we do we can at least adapt to the situation..."
"...Wanna go for Round 2?"
"Only if you're ready..."
And with that, worry about the future and about her possibly being confronted by her own company went out the window as two lovers went into a loving embrace. Kimmy couldn't see the future, and couldn't know whether everything would work out or not. But as she was passionately making out, she knew so long as she had her Andre, it'd all work out.