"...go on a date...with you?" Michelle asked, her brown eyes practically shining.
"Yeah, with me. Celebrant, I know I'm a little much but trust me, I'll very much treat you right..." the heroine smiled, putting her hands on her broad, muscular hips as she looked the rescued reporter over.
The Zelenite did enjoy actually saving someone and when sober wasn't so crass as to base it on appearance. But she did notice that the mid 20s reporter was noticeably thicker in the waist region than the willowy college cheerleader in the photos her AI Synapse had used as a motivator. Not fat but...relaxed normal more like. Celebrant's piercing vision took in the little love handles and mushy muffin top, the strained seams and too tight button and felt a little color touch her cheeks. Usually she liked her dates drop dead sexy and flawless but maybe a little chub wasn't bad. Besides, it wasn't like she'd get any fatter in the day or so it would take to fuck her fully, Celebrant wasn't planning on marrying her and staying around for the middle age spread humans were prone to!
"No. Not only no but fuck no," Michelle snapped back, real genuine anger in her voice, "you are absolutely the last person I would ever want to go on a date with! If the human race was all but extinct and the only thing to save it was to have sex with you, I'd say bring on the apocalypse!"
Celebrant's brilliant green eyes blinked at the denial. She wasn't used to being told no, in fact it rarely if ever happened. The only other times she'd been denied from a sexual advance, they had ended with a "I'm fully straight/completely gay/married but thank you" depending on if it was a woman or man. Never before had someone acted like...that to her!
"Shall I put that on the internet?" Synapse asked her sarcastically.
"No, shut up you stupid...dumb...ai," Celebrant gulped in Zelenite, the reporter's tirade hitting her worse than any super powered punch or high tech laser had since she'd absorbed her nanites, "I...uh...hey, wait up!"
Michelle stomped away, the muffin top showed by her hiked up blouse jiggling over her flat, toneless butt. Celebrant pulled even with her, floating a good foot off the ground as the reporter approached a staircase.
"Get out of my way. Or are you going to stop me?" Michelle snorted in disgust.
"Stop you? What? No, I uh...I wouldn't," Celebrant gulped in confusion, setting her wide, perfectly firm cheeks onto a railing, "I just uh...why? I mean, I'm...me!"
Celebrant knew she was not only hot but gorgeous. Her hair shone like rubies, her eyes like emeralds and her skin was a beautiful, sunkissed peach with freckles going all the way down. What wasn't hard chiseled muscles was soft, womanly curves, her just slightly tall 5'8 body packed with 155 pounds of perfectly proportioned perfection! Who wouldn't want to have sex with her? Was...was there something wrong with her?
"Do I need to list the ways?" Michelle began, poking her hard in the chest and flinching, flicking a jammed finger, "Ugh, you're even worse than I thought!"
"Perhaps she doesn't want sloppy 8760ths," Synapse said to her, "or follows one of these primitive earth religions that are still morally superior to you..."
"Shut, shut up, shut up," the alien heroine snapped, face paling and stomach filling with nausea.
Growing up on the bitterly restrictive Zelenia, Celebrant had been used to being looked down on. One of the few, if not the only woman of her race to not immediately accept its ruling cult's commands about sexual restraint and personal misery being necessary to even attempt to redeem her soul from the stain of being born from sexual intercourse, she'd been an outcast since she'd rejected the brainwashing. To the point that she'd stolen the last remaining warship and last remaining super nanites from the hedonistic old empire that the pacifist cult kept in storage and left it to its fate. Coming here where she was accepted, sought after and free to have sex with...
"Fine. I don't want to talk to you anyway," Michelle shrugged, shirt riding up a little more.
"No, no not you," the stricken heroine gulped to herself, "I...what did I do wrong? I...saved you."
Michelle glared at her, "You did. And you're the only reason I'm even in this shitty death trap lab anyway."
"But but but but," the no longer confident redhead gulped, "that doesn't make any sense, I've never...what did I..."
"I'm not mad that you stopped me from being dissolved, but did you happen to look at the building above this bunker on your way in?" Michelle asked her, scribbling the questions and answers onto a pad, "Do the words "PerfectCo mean anything to you? Does the "Celebrant-Bod" energy drink mean anything to you? If not, go take a look upstairs. I've got to talk to my editor."
A lot of words meant a lot of things to Celebrant. Through a haze of booze, pussy, dick, clits and tits, she vaguely remembered "PerfectCo" and "Celebrant-Bod". Gulping, she popped back up through a few feet of concrete and earth, green eyes widening.
A sleek modern office building labeled "PerfectCo" gleamed above the hidden bunker, the same logo worn on the badges of the captured security guards and their CEO Sophie Sands, who Celebrant vaguely remembered shaking hands with. On a nearby billboard and on several banners nearby, was ribs down, black and white image of a, naked tan, muscular and wide hipped woman who was completely naked save for a bright green energy drink can pressed against her clit. White text saying "Pop open something worth Celebrant-ing" was on some, while others proclaimed "Taste the first step to a body like this".
Down below, an endless amount of police cars and numerous news vans were gathering, cameras already flashing to catch the famous heroine hovering next to her own bill board.
"Would you like me to link you the video ads you filmed for this company?" Synapse asked snidely, "the ones where you flaunted your body to earn money, lying to say that this energy drink was part of your "health routine"?"
"Fuucccccccckkkkkkk me," the heroine groaned.
Where does this story go next?
The Next Day: the news story that Celebrant took a sponsorship from a company she had to bust is an overnight scandal, leading to Celebrant being chewed out by General Ohio and being benched at the Power Lounge, while assigned a minder. Meanwhile, Michelle's editor pushes her to get an interview with the scandal ridden heroine asap, despite her misgivings.
The next Month: The scandal keeps going on. Celebrant is being sued...and is pretty much endlessly drowning her sorrows, pushing even her nanites to the limits in absorbinb so much alcohol. Synapse uses this chance to cut her down a little bit...
Way later: a couple of years pass before Celebrant feels safe to show her face...not that she's recognizable anymore!