Exercise was good, Kimmy thought... but doing it alone was not really that fun.
At least, not fun compared to busting criminals. With that, she had at least multiple other people in a dance of adrenaline and heavy fist fighting. But just pushing herself against a exercise ball in the living room, her flabby behind shaking beneath a pair of fine yoga pants, and occasional running across the streets? She felt sweaty, humiliated and overall bored of just doing the same motions. It REALLY wasn't the same, and she didn't like all of this self-exercise.
"Mommy, are you okay?"
Collapsed on the couch after a good afternoon of exercising, Kimmy looked up to see her daughter Amber fresh home from Middle School, looking curiously at her. Cranky and irritated she just wanted to tell her to go to her room while Andre was cooking a hearty dinner, but she didn't wanna upset her own children just because she was not having a fine time with her attempts to lose weight. Instead, she just sighed heavily as she rested her head down on a pillow.
"Mommy's just trying to lose weight, dear. Say, you think you can get me a bottle of water from the fridge?"
"Yeah, sure!"
If she was going to lose weight, she needed to do something else. Gazing on her phone, she'd look through the database on any heroes or villains who's abilities were tailored to cause people to slim down, only to find nothing. While she was disappointed in the lack of a quick fix, she did find something else that piqued her interest. A news article, that really caught her eye just for what it promised.
"Gattaca to open gym in Edelton, Illinois. All welcome to come and train with THE Gattaca..."
Edelton was about 20 miles south from Chicago, but it at least was a manageable drive. As soon as she had a day off from work she'd kiss her husband goodbye, don her Lone Bullet uniform and drive her way south. Her costume was still standing strong with that modification, but it still stuck to her too tight for comfort, something that she was glad to be attending to as soon as she made it there.
As the Bulletcycle drove into Edelton itself, she noticed quite a few things. For one, it was much quieter than Chicago, with much less traffic all around and little to no neon signs giving out a faint hum. Secondly, crime here was much less frequent than it was in Chicago, though when she did see it nobody else seemed to care but her. When she DID pull up to such a crime and did her thing, there was no applause or scorn for stopping a robbery, just a quiet "Meh".
This made a lot of sense to her, considering that Edelton wasn't exactly a big city like Chicago. While the big towns often had multiple heroes and villains competing against each other, small towns were either occupied by a single hero and villain who balanced each other out or otherwise was completely ordinary without a hero or villain. Now granted, it being known as the birthplace of the world-renowned hero Gattaca certainly did invigorate some pride on her name... but she operated all across the Midwest, and barely stopped small crimes like the robberies she had casually seen occur.
Were they too afraid of getting their brains bashed in by a eight and a half foot titaness with glorious pink skin and a eight pack? Probably. Still, it just felt weird compared to what she was starting to get used to as the Lone Bullet. At the very least, judging by the database Gattaca was supposed to be here today so she was at least going to see some action, so there was that.
Pulling up by the gym, Kimmy was greeted by a large neon sign hanging from the building, depicting Gattaca waving hi with one hand and lifting a 100 ton dumbbell with the other.
"One hundred tons? Is she really that strong to lift that with one hand? Imagine what she could do with both hands..."
Pushing against the door's signs the first thing she'd see was Gattaca on the vertical row, pulling as hard as she could with her entire back flexing from strain. Looking at the detail of each muscle as they struggled to continue pulling, Kimmy put a hand to her bicep and couldn't help but feel jealous. Seeing that she had not recognized her, the italian hero slowly approached the pink-skinned amazon and introduced herself.
"Excuse me, are you free?"
"Hmmm?" Letting go, Gattaca rose up to her feet from the vertical row machine and loomed over the Lone Bullet. She towered over the average-heighted Kimmy, so she had to look down on her, like everyone else. "Ah, I take it you're wanting to wrestle too? Got a lot of men and women wanting to do that, if I'm being honest. Let me be honest though, I'd bring you down to the mat even if I had both hands behind my back. Comes with being Gattaca and all that."
"Uh... not quite." Shaking a bit from intimidation, Kimmy poked to her potbelly to emphasize the issue. "I'm the Lone Bullet. New hero in Chicago, just got started and wanna stay on my peak... but I may have snacked a bit too much and ripped a suit. I don't need to spar, at least not by itself... I honestly just want a coach to help whip me into shape."
For a bit, the room was engulfed in silence as Gattaca examined this incoming woman, looking at what she was working with. Soft tummy, impressive boobs and a ass that wouldn't quit... yet she could also tell from the way she had walked in that she had at least a good bit of muscle already down there. That was a good sign, she thought. Potential meant that she wasn't just gonna quit after the first day under her regimen.
"I can work with this~." Cracking her knuckles, she'd pick Kimmy up by the arm and lift her up effortlessly, causing the heroine to blush heavily as she gave a quick boop to the tummy. "By the time I'm done with you, your potbelly will be a eight pack just like mine... and maybe I can see about helping you keep those monster breasts too?"
"Uh... thanks, but if your flirting with me I'm already married..."
Putting her down, Gattaca shrugged. "Worth a shot at least. Now, before we get a schedule down let's see what your fully capable of."
From there, the rest of Kimmy's day consisted of her being pushed to her absolute limits by the more established Gattaca. For her part, the pink-skinned goddess was absolutely killing it as a coach. She knew exactly what to say to inspire her, as well as when she needed to stop to make sure that she didn't shred her own muscles irreparably. That didn't exactly make all this pushing to her limits enjoyable, but it did make it bearable.
Push-ups, squats, jumping jacks, endurance running, weight training both via dumbells and the vertical row, and yoga. Kimmy was made to do all of this and more, making her muscles strain deep down and covering her suit to be covered in sweat. In retrospect she should have just come in here as Kimmy with some yoga pants and a sleeveless shirt, or even wear some more comfortable suit not made of heat-absorbing latex. Alas, it was too late to change the past and she was stuck feeling like this as she drunk from the water fountain.
"Ha, you really killed it out there!" Gattaca said, looking no worse for wear despite having trained ten times as hard as her new partner did. "Can't wait to see you come back the day after tomorrow for the exact same thing!"
"Gonna be honest... that was hell." Twisting the sleeves of her suit, Kimmy watched a bit of sweat drop onto the ground and shuddered a bit. "Maybe I was better with the yoga ball and Sugar Rush exercise tapes at home?"
"You mean that runner who works with the Power League?" Rolling her eyes, Gattaca scoffed at such a woman and her ideals. "Listen, her tapes are good for one thing and that's making people into professional runners. Coming to me was the right thing and as long as you don't come every day I can ensure you that you'll see results."
"Here's hoping to that. Just gotta ask though, why the day after tomorrow? Why can't I just show up every day?"
"Well, unlike my own perfect form, your body's just human." Kneeling down, she'd pat a bit of her bicep as a bit of a reminder. "If you just come here every day, they aren't gonna burn and recover properly, and you'll just make yourself super weak. Moderation is key, whether building muscle or losing weight."
"Interesting... well anyway, I'm gonna head home for the night. Thanks for the help."
"Any time!"
Walking out from the gym, Kimmy sighed in relief as she started riding the Bulletcycle away from Edelton. The results were going to be worth it, but for right now the last thing she needed to think about was the pain that came from being under such a regimen. The fact that she wanted her to do more next time was a dagger through the heart for her, one that she couldn't even avoid if she actually wanted to lose weight.
It was a necessary evil... but an evil she needed to go through with.